Blogger Patricia Youngquist is an author and a photographer. Her recent e-book, BIRD TALES, is interactive and includes the Blue jay featured above. Prior works include versions of WORDS IN OUR BEAK, where the stories are narrated by Cam, a female cardinal. Additionally, some of her photographs have been licensed by Fine Art America to reproduce as wall art and on to an array of surfaces for various products! Do view both side-bars for specific details on all of this.
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Friday, May 31, 2019
Friday Follow Up re "turtles having your back..."
In a recent entry here on Blogger, I mentioned that "turtles as the saying goes, 'got each other's back..'" which may be true, but something else is also going on when you see turtles atop each others back.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Remembering the Dearly Departed
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As most of you know, the 2019 Memorial Day holiday took place (in the United States) this past Monday; as it is currently celebrated on the last Monday in May. Prior to it being celebrated on the last Monday in May, the traditional date for Memorial Day was May 30th.
May 30th 1954 when Memorial Day was celebrated is also the day Warren Tangorra was born and he died on March 8, 2010. I never met the man but he was a friend of my dear friend, Donna DeSolis (DD) and at her request (in 2010) after he passed from this life; I produced the video posted below as a favor to her.
Five years later DD died.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Baby Robin Makes Me Recall P.D. Eastman!
The image atop this entry is a screen shot of a page from one of my favorite books, Are You My Mother?, which is written and illustrated by P.D. Eastman. Eastman's book cover can seen in the next image (from a Wikipedia page).
The aforementioned Wiki Page explains that Eastman's book tells the "the story about a hatchling bird. His mother, thinking her egg will stay in her nest where she left it, leaves her egg alone and flies off to find food. The baby bird hatches. He does not understand where his mother is so he goes to look for her. In his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother. They each say, 'No.'
"Then he (the little baby bird) sees an old car, which cannot be his mother for sure. In desperation, the hatchling calls out to a boat and a plane, and at last, convinced he has found his mother, he climbs onto the teeth of an enormous earth mover. A loud 'SNORT' belches from its exhaust stack, prompting the bird to utter the immortal line, 'You are not my mother! You are a SNORT!' But as it shudders and grinds into motion he cannot escape. 'I want my mother!' he shouts.
"But at this climactic moment, his fate is suddenly reversed. The earth mover drops him back in his nest just as his mother is returning home. The two are united, much to their delight, and the baby bird tells his mother about the adventure he had looking for her."
Eastman's story comes to mind on many occasions whenever I see a baby bird looking around and the other day when I was in Central Park and spotted a baby American robin doing this.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Cormorants: Now you see them, now you don't. (Tuesday's Truths WK 128)
I confess that I could spend hours watching a cormorant who seems to be playing now you see me, now you don't (which is what is happening in the silent slide show posted above featuring a cormorant enjoying the waters of the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir in Central Park).
This is a habit of cormorants (which you can read about via many web sources, including one of Cornell's web pages) and is my Tuesday's Truth for week 128. On another note, this bird variety is featured in volume three of my book series, Words In Our Beak.
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The stories are set in my rooftop garden and told from the perspective of a female cardinal (Cam), who is featured on the covers of each book.
Monday, May 27, 2019
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I have written about Memorial Day many times here on Blogger; but none of my musings come close to Bramhall's (seen above) and on this Memorial lDay for 2019, l am thinking of how those who lost their lives through war made it possible for me to enjoy the simple pleasures and so-called “little things” in life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Sunday's Sentiments: A Tribute to my G'pa (Albert Elmer Herman Lewis Melahn)
The photograph atop this entry is one you might recognize, dear reader, for it has been featured in many of my blog posts here on Blogger (including one of first entries which was in 2010) when I've referenced my maternal grandfather (Albert Elmer Herman Louis Melahn), the man featured in this picture. Last Sunday would have been his one hundred and sixteenth birthday had he not died at the age of sixty-nine.
I think of him on countless occasions, but he was especially on my mind yesterday when I was at The Conservatory Gardens in Central Park and came upon the peonies featured in the next set of images.
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My grandfather introduced to this awesome flower when I was nearly three years old.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
"Saturday in the park..." (AGAIN)
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Every time I spend part of my Saturday in Central Park or in Riverside Park, I think of the hit song (Saturday In The Park) by the band Chicago and it is something I've written about in prior entries here on Blogger; you may reference them by clicking here.
I thought of Chicago's song again this morning when I was in an area of Central Park's Conservatory Gardens, and came upon the Burnett Memorial Fountain. A partial view of it is featured in the photographs atop this entry and as you can see a male Northern cardinal is enjoying certain features of this sculpture which is part of the fountain.
Friday, May 24, 2019
ATTN: "Imperfect Strangers" is in Progress! (Friday's Follow Up)
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A few months ago (February) in an entry here on Blogger and a posting on Facebook, I mentioned an unkind (understatement) experience I had regarding my having Neurofibromatosis (NF).
In that entry, I also mentioned that I might return to a book project that addresses issues related to the condition. Now that we are nearly through with this month of May for 2019, which happens to be Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month, I have done something about it; and I have just posted an announcement on my You Tube Channel with a very short video that you can view by clicking the link underneath my screen shot that's atop this entry.
This past Wednesday Andre, Matthieu and Joshua came to my rooftop garden to celebrate my endeavor and we can be seen (below) in a photo Andre took with his phone.
Andre (second from the right) is my optician and I initially met him in June of 2016 after I had an accident where one of the consequences was breaking my glasses. I met Matthieu (seated in front of Andre in this picture) soon after. Wednesday evening was the first time I met Joshua (who is standing next to me).
I am honored to say that this past summer Andre purchased volume one and volume two of my book series (volume three had not been released at the time), Words In Our Beak for Anne et Valentin.
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The evening was fun which was something I have not had in a long time for a variety of reasons, but it was bittersweet because Matthieu is moving back to France in June; which is another reason all of us got together. He said he'll return to NYC on occasion to visit; so hopefully this past Wednesday was only a goodbye for now.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hey! Hey! Hey! It's #WorldTurtleDay!
Today's post is dedicated to World Turtle Day, which is a holiday that has been celebrated on the twenty-third day of May since 2000. According to Wiki it is sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue and this event "is celebrated around the globe in a variety of ways, from dressing up as turtles or wearing green summer dresses, to saving turtles caught on highways, to research activities. Turtle Day lesson plans and craft projects encourage teaching about turtles in classrooms."
I've written about World Turtle Day in prior entries here on Blogger, including posts you may reference by clicking here. This year I am honoring the day with the photographs atop this entry featuring turtles who appears to be drumming their nails on a sidewalk in Central Park.
Their nails seemed unusually long to me, but I have learned that turtles (unlike humans) do not need to have regular man/pedis — at least the ones in CP.
Pet turtles will require having their nails trimmed but in the wild, turtles and tortoises walk or exercise enough that their nails will naturally wear themselves down to a manageable length.
Seeing what looked like drumming, prompted me to research the activity of drumming one's nails and the web has a lot to say about this including a page called Changing Minds, where the following is proclaimed.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
My First Pine Cone!
I've never seen a pine cone when it was in the early stages of life and was so fascinated by Juan's discovery that I did a bit of research to learn more about them, which is my wisdom for Wednesday.
According to an article by Natalie Andrews, "Pine trees, also known as “conifers,” have cones instead of flowers. These cones serve as a pine tree’s source of seed. Conifers also produce separate male and female cones for seed development. In general, the development of a pine cone takes around two years and fertilization happens in the spring. Both male and female cones start like tiny pink-lilac bristles.They turn green as they develop, but their scales stay tucked together until maturity. When fully mature, female cones look like typical pine cones, with hard brown woody scales spread apart. They form at the foot of new shoots below the terminal bud and take about two years to mature and produce seeds. Each female pine cone has about 200 seeds, depending on the pine's species... " (You can read the rest of Andrews article by clicking here).
As for my Japanese Larch, I got it in 2005 or 2006 or was it 2004? Not so sure when I first planted that tree in a container that she eventually outgrew!
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
#turtletuesday is STILL trending on social media! (Tuesday's Truths WK 127)
Last Tuesday, here on Blogger, I announced (in my Tuesday's Truths segment) that #turtletuesday was trending on social media. Now, a week later, turtles are still the topic of many tweets and they are still the subject of many photos that have been posted on Instagram.
I can certainly see why these creatures continue to fascinate so many people. As I’ve mentioned before, the shells of turtles in Central Park have always intrigued me and I'm thankful that the one seen here (in the photos atop this entry) allowed me to take a picture of the inside of his/her shell.
Monday, May 20, 2019
NYC will have a beach in the coming years. (MONDAY'S MEMO)
During one of the cold snaps that we had in NYC this past winter, I saw some news re a new beach coming to NYC (please refer to the screenshot of the tweet which can be seen in the image atop this entry). As you can see the tweeter is hopeful that when and if this happens, Manhattan will be blessed with visits from American Oystercatchers.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
#NoDirtyDishesDay Brings Back Memories!
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I am in the middle of a deadline for a project and am very late in today's posting! But here I am with the news that today — according to many holiday related sources — is No Dirty Dishes Day!
When it was brought to my attention that today, May 18th, 2019, is #NoDirtyDishesDay, I immediately thought of Phyllis Krasilovsky's book, The Man Who Didn't Wash His Dishes.
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I read this book when I was a child. Moreover, I just discovered that there is a recording of someone reading this story on You Tube and a copy of it is posted below.
In any event, my recollection of the story was that the man who didn't wash his dishes was a very resourceful person in using rainfall to help him accomplish his task; but evidently I missed the point: The story is consequences of procrastination. Just curious, peeps, do any of you recall this book?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
As I’ve mentioned before, the antics and shells of turtles (including ones seen in this traffic jam upon a rock within the lake in Central Park) are the inspiration for my kaleidoscopic photographic print titled Turtle Pond, which can be printed on an array of surfaces. Check it out via Fine Art America!
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
It's May 15th again...
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... and on this date I always think of Horton and the Jungle of Nool (as evidenced in selected blog posts published on May 15 in 2012 and on May 15th in 2017 as well as on May15th in 2018). Bravo! Bravo! Well done, as always, Dr. Seuss!
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
#turtletuesday is trending on social media! (Tuesday's Truths WK 126)
Hello and welcome to the one hundred and twenty-sixth segment of my Tuesday's Truths series. I realize I am a bit late in my posting here on Blogger today, peeps. Let me confess that it's been one of those mornings (and into the late afternoon) which Jermey (the boy featured in the Zits comic strip atop this entry) can probably identify with.
The fact is I've been very overwhelmed with using social media re getting the word out about my additions to my You Tube Channel (which I hope you will check out) but I believe I will get into a rhythm with the new demands that are on me. I also need to learn a lesson from one of my favorite Central Park reptiles; turtles.
They move slowly but get it done. For as Henry David Thoreau supposedly once declared, "Nature is slow, but sure; she works no faster than need be; she is the tortoise that wins the race by her perseverance."
And speaking of turtles, they are now trending on social media (both Instagram and Twitter) with the hashtag: #turtletuesday. Maybe it’s just me, but the turtle featured in the next image looks like he/she is about to do some pushups!
As I’ve mentioned before, the shells of turtles in Central Park are the inspiration for my kaleidoscopic photographic print titled Turtle Pond.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Another one of those Rainy days and Mondays
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Today is another one of those rainy days and Mondays in my rooftop garden: the place where the stories from my book series, Words In Our Beak, are set.
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The stories are told from the perspective of a female cardinal who is featured on the covers of all of the books. They makes a perfect gift for anyone who loves birds, flowers as well as gardening.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
"Mother's Day is for the birds."
I have often said, "Mother's Day is for the birds," so I was delighted to see today's Mutts comic strip (a copy is posted atop this entry) in my In Box. I just love Patrick McDonnell's drawings of birds, but that art medium is a talent I do not possess. Thankfully I can take photographs of them and the ones posted below are ones I've featured within this blog before, however because they are images of mother birds with their offspring, I am including them within this post in honor of today's holiday which is Mother's Day.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The H.F. is in bloom again!
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Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and like any new mother joyful over moments of her new child's life (the first time she sees a smile or hears her child's first utterance), so am I with my H.F. Young Clematis that I have in my urban garden. She is another great find from the greenmarket at Union Square.
From the moment a bud first appeared on the vine when she was in my place, and traveled boldly up the pole, to its magnificent unfolding, and I was in love! This H.F. Clematis has been with me since the early 2000's but the pictures atop this entry were taken yesterday. They feature views of her doing her thing — climbing up the utility pole in the Northwest corner of my rooftop garden.
As you can see, she is very photogenic, so I am most grateful that she has allowed me to take pictures of her and share her stories, which are both included in volume two of my book series, Words In Our Beak.
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The stories are told from the perspective of a female cardinal who is featured on the covers of all of the books. They makes a perfect gift for anyone who loves birds, flowers as well as gardening.
Additionally, Words In Our Beak is a great gift to give to anyone who is a mom on Mother's Day, which is tomorrow, May 12th.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month
May is Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month and before it ends I'm following up with people that I have queried re having me on their radio or television program.
My brainstorming re a pitch is still in progress; but since we are already near the halfway mark for this month, I better just send them out. The follow-up which I’m still working on will include this:
NF is an abbreviation for no fun and it also stands for the genetic condition known as neurofibromatosis (a disorder that I have had no birth) which is certainly no fun. I have published a number of entries on my blog re my experiences of having NF.
I’ve also discussed my experiences of being bullied because of it during my presentations on birds where my focus is the implications for understanding the similarities of human behavior and the behaviors of members within the avian community. The topics I have covered in my presentation include how birds teach us about the human race in such matters (to name a few) as finding our voice, ways in which we compensate our behaviors to meet our needs, accepting our physical appearances, and how bullying impacts our lives.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
A Heuchera's Flower is for the birds!
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The hot pink bell-like flowers that can be seen if you look at the pictures atop this entry closely; are growing on one of the Heuchera Plants which I have in my rooftop garden.
In the photo atop his entry, they can be found at the lower left hand portion of the image, and in the the other photograph, they can be seen midway to the right.
Moreover, a close-up solo-op of them is posted directly below.
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A web-page for The Spruce explains,"Coral bells (Heuchera) is a traditional foliage plant that has had many newer varieties. Heuchera plants form round mounds with a woody rootstock or crown at their base. Small bell-shaped flowers on tall stems attract hummingbirds and make nice cut flowers. Their leaves are rounded, lobed, hairy, and evergreen—even when covered in snow. Besides traditional green-leaved coral bells, new varieties of heuchera have leaves in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold, and variegations in between. Heuchera are native North American plants that are at home in woodlands, rock gardens, containers, borders, and when used as ground covers."
The aforementioned resource also gives some basics re this amazing plant:
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Those who teach don't always do it in schools! Wednesday's Wisdom
Those who teach don't always do it in schools and being that this is National Teacher Appreciation Week, it seems it's good to honor anyone who educates. On this National Teachers Day for 2019 (which was yesterday) I uploaded this mini movie to my You Tube Channel (or virtual story as I prefer to call it), which was produced in March of 2011 on my anniversary of Apple Store One to One Training. It is a tribute to Apple Trainers; for those who teach us aren't always ones we find in school. This "mini-mini" movie tribute is fun and may give you, dear viewer, a sense of my ability to put a tribute together should you have the need.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Today is NTD (National Teacher's Day) Tuesday's Truths WK 125
Welcome to my one hundred and twenty-fifth segment of Tuesday's Truths which is coinciding with National Teacher's Day (NTD). This unofficial holiday always occurs on a Tuesday during Teacher Appreciation Week, which takes place in the first full week of May.
On this day, I'd like to thank the those who have given me the opportunity to give my presentation (that is based on birds included in my book series, Words In Our Beak) to their students.
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I spoke at about the topic of wild birds and bullying in our own lives and culture.
Studying the wild birds in NYC and surrounding areas has important implications for understanding the similarities of human behavior and the behaviors of members within the avian community. The topics I covered in my presentation included how birds teach us about the human race in such matters (to name a few) as finding our voice, ways in which we compensate our behaviors to meet our needs, accepting our physical appearances, and how bullying impacts our lives.
Monday, May 6, 2019
NOT SO FAST: #MaytheFourth is for the birds!
This past Saturday — which was May the Fourth — here on Blogger, I reminded readers that it was World Naked Gardening Day, but in order to not scare the many people whose windows look out onto my rooftop garden, I didn't tend to it in the buff.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
It's WNGD (World Naked Gardening Day)
Today is the first Saturday in May which means it's World Naked Gardening Day; also known as WNGD, and as the saying goes, "you can't make this stuff up." Just google it and you will see how widespread this unofficial holiday is.
In any event, the many people whose windows look onto my garden, which probably amounts to quite a number of people since it is on a roof extension in NYC and there are a number of high-rise buildings in the immediate vicinity; will be glad to know I do not intend to participate in the event by gardening in the buff.
However, one of my figurines who frequents my indoor succulent garden (and can be seen in the images atop this entry) has no shame! She seems to think WNGD takes place on a daily basis; then again she has a toned body which is not the case with yours truly; but it isn't the only thing stopping me from participating to the fullest on this day!
Friday, May 3, 2019
TGIF (Thank God it's Flowers)
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"What a difference a day makes," are lines from the song popularized by Dinah Washington.
And that wisdom is certainly known to anyone who has a garden! Just a little over a week ago, I posted a photo here on Blogger, which features a northern view of my garden (from the vantage point of my doorway) and many tulips known as the Day Dream variety (primarily orange in color) could be seen. A copy of that photo is featured atop this entry.
Within the aforementioned post, I also include a view of my garden from the vantage point of my facing the doorway and a copy of it showing how the garden looked at that time can be seen directly below.
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In any event, in the days following that posting, it rained (heavily) almost non-stop and those tulips lost their petals. BUT passing days make a difference and another tulip variety known as Elegant Lady (pale pink) are now blooming; which is evidenced in the next two pictures (taken yesterday).
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As I've said before, an array of tulip types are featured in volume one of my book series, Words In Our Beak, where the stories are set in my rooftop garden and told from the perspective of Cam, a female cardinal, whose picture is featured on the cover of all of the books.
On Mother's Day consider giving the books to someone whose a mom and she'll have tulips and many other flowers throughout the year via the photo-ops in this series.
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