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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Another reader gives "BIRD TALES" five stars!

 I hadn't noticed this review for BIRD TALES (seen in the image directly above) was posted on 10-28-2021!

Very grateful, honored and humbled that reader MK took the time to write such a heartfelt piece!

She purchased the iBook version of BIRD TALES, but for those of you who don't use Apple products, this interactive digital book is also available on Amazon.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


 "Who me?," this squirrel remarked upon learning he will be on the cover of my soon to be released book, It's The Little Things. 

I first announced info re TLT here on Blogger (in the beginning of October) and now this book is due out next week!

Stay tuned!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Yet another chance to test your powers of observation!

Both photos atop this entry features the table in my garden where pumpkins and squashes are the centerpiece. The first image was featured in a prior blog post. The picture directly below it shows some changes that were made (this past Wednesday) to the centerpiece. 

Can you spot them?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Another chance to test out your powers of observation!

Two weeks and one day ago, in my blog entry for October 15th 2021, I posted a copy of the image which is atop this entry and I stated:

A few weeks ago, Juan V was here and arranged pumpkins and squashes which I received from a program at the Greenmarket

They are included in the photo on the left (which features one of my urban hedges aka garden shelving).

However, this past Wednesday he added something to the "installation."

Check out the photo at the right. Can you tell what's new?

By the way my garden is the setting for all versions of my books that have "Words In Our Beak" in their title.

Juan was here again today and made an "adjustment" to what is on the bottom shelf. 

Check out the photo directly below and see if you notice the chsange that was made. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday's (10-27-2021) Widsom: American Robins probably don't make good outfielders.

An American robin (the bird type featured in the photo atop this entry) might not be the best outfielder.... 

Good thing this bird variety has other attributes which you can read about in my interactive digital book, BIRD TALES, as well as in volume three of my hardcover book series, Words In Our Beak.

BIRD TALES is available in the Apple Bookstore and it is alao available on Amazon.

Words In Our Beak Volume Three is available on Amazon or you can get it wherever hardcover books are sold by giving the bookseller the ISBN number which is 0996378545.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Mourning doves concur with Thoreau's sentiment! (Tuesday's Truth WK 226)

It's National Pumpkin Day and my visiting Mourning doves concur with Thoreau's sentiment (being quoted in the image atop this entry). 

As you may know, dear reader, National Pumpkin Day, Mourning doves and Thoreau are all topics I've covered on this blog.

Monday, October 25, 2021

House Sparrows Eavesdrop! (Monday's Memo)

I am always humbled, honored, thrilled, entertained and educated when birds visit my garden (which is atop a roof extension in NYC). 

One dreary cold day (this past winter) I caught a glimpse of a lone Mourning dove having a conversation with a male House sparrow while they perched on the edge of a bird bath which was mostly filled water.

Another male House sparrow cocked his head to eavesdrop.

[Both of these bird types are included in all of my books which have Words In Our Beak in their  title and they are also featured in BIRD TALES. Info re all of these books can be found by clicking here.]

According to a page within Wikipedia, "The verb eavesdrop is a back-formation from the noun eavesdropper ("a person who eavesdrops"), which was formed from the related noun eavesdrop ("the dripping of water from the eaves of a house; the ground on which such water falls")."

This source goes on to say,  in bygone years, "an eavesdropper was someone who would hang from the eve of a building so as to hear what is said within. The PBS documentaries Inside the Court of Henry VIII (April 8, 2015) and Secrets of Henry VIII’s Palace (June 30, 2013) include segments that display and discuss "eavedrops," carved wooden figures Henry VIII had built into the eaves (overhanging edges of the beams in the ceiling) of Hampton Court to discourage unwanted gossip or dissension from the King's wishes and rule, to foment paranoia and fear, and demonstrate that everything said there was being overheard; literally, that the walls had ears."

Not to be outdone by the House sparow who was listening intently to the chirping of the Mourning dove and the other House Sparrow, I cocked my head to eavesdrop, for whenever I hear what birds have to say, I learn something!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

In Remembrance of Donna De Solis

This post is in honor of what would be the seventy-fourth birthday of my dearly departed friend, Donna De Solis, who passed away on June 25th, 2015. In the picture directly above she can be seen at the bottom of image and I am standing directly behind her. It was taken in 2014 and we were on a pier at the Hudson River, celebrating my birthday. 

Little did we know it would be the last time I celebrated mine with her, for she died the following June two months before my birthday in the year 2015.

Donna was the office manager at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament (my parish).

Over the many years I knew her, I was honored and privledged to be a guest at a number of the Christmas parties she held in her home and to go with her to various events happening in NYC

Moreover, she came to a couple of exhibitions that featured my photography. In the next picture, Donna can be seen with a yellow sweater over her shoulders and yours truly is standing behind her. 

We are at an opening for a 2002 art exhibition that I was featured in (with two other artists who are not in this photograph) at The New York Gallery Building (on West Fifty-Seventh Street in NYC). The art piece which is behind us is one of my kaliedoscopic images titled Rocks By Strawberry Fields. 

At the time our picture was taken, my kaliedoscopic photographs could only be printed on photographic papers as wall art or rendred on to note-cards.

Howeover, over the years, with advancement in printing processes, my kaliedoscopic works (as well as all of my other photographs) can be rendered (by Fine Art America AKA FAA) in an aray of sizes on to various surfaces for wall art including, acrylic, art paper, canvas, metal, poster-paper and wood. FAA also has framed options available and they can render the images on to note-cards.

I think Donna might've found it cool that FAA can print my kaliedoscopic images (and my other ones) on to items for personal use such as totes, week-ender bags, pouches, note-books, stickers, cell-phone cases and jigsaw puzzles; as well as face-masks.

In any event, I'm certainly thinking of Donna as well as those family members who survived her including her husband Tony as well as her son, Bryan, who shortly after her death, requsted that I create a video in honor of memory, which I did and it can be viewed on Vimeo as well as You Tube.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday's (10-17-2021) Sentiment: Here's another chance to test your powers of observation!

As mentioned in a recent entry here on Blogger,  few weeks ago, Juan V was here and arranged pumpkins and squashes which I received from a program at the Greenmarket

However, this past Wednesday we discovered my autumn anemones are in bloom again. 

Some of them grow in a container that is on the ledge surrounding my garden and we altered the pumpkin/squash arrangement that is on my table (see photo at the bottom).

Can you tell what's new?

By the way, my rooftop garden is the setting for all versions of my books that have Words In Our Beak in their title.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Breaking News Re FAA

I'm happy to announce that FAA (Fine Art America) can now render some of my photographs (including selections from my kaliedoscopic images as well as selections from photos featured in my latest book, BIRD TALES and  a photo from my hardcover book, Words In Our Beak Volume Two) on to phone cases for various versions of the iPhone (including the iPhone 13) and they can render them on to Galaxy (android) phone cases. 

Check out this short video (posted directly above) to view my selections.

Friday, October 15, 2021


A few weeks ago, Juan V was here and arranged pumpkins and squashes which I received from a program at the Greenmarket

They are included in the photo on the left (which features one of my urban hedges aka garden shelving).

However, this past Wednesday he added something to the "installation."

Check out the photo at the right. Can you tell what's new?

By the way my garden is the setting for all versions of my books that have Words In Our Beak in their title.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

It's on the bag!

The design for my pigeon-themed week-ender bag (featured in the image directly above and produced by Fine Art America) was inspired by Mother Pigeon

Moreover, this bird type as well as a copy his particular photograph is featured in my latest book, BIRD TALES.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Thank you, Mr. Amsterdam!

Wow and Wow! I did not realize until it was brought to my attention last night, that Mr. Amsterdam who posted a gem of a review for my latest book BIRD TALES (which I shared on FB on 10/2 @ had also posted a review for my very first version of Words In Our BeakThe iBook Version, which was published by Apple in 2015.

Evidently it during the time that Mr. Amsterdam was reading BIRD TALES, that he discovered the existence of my 2015 book Words In Our Beak Volume One, the iBook Version and bought it!

I love his heart felt review (directly above)!

Friday, October 8, 2021

Take Note (of my note-books)!

FAA (Fine Art America) can render my images on to spiral notebooks! This one's cover is a copy of a photograph featured in volume two of my hardcover book series, Words In Our Beak, but I have several note-book varieties to choose from on FAA. Please check out the selections by clicking here.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Here's what readers are saying about "BIRD TALES"...

Very thankful to be able to say I've received two more reviews for BIRD TALES.

It features a number of birds participating in a variety of activities and is dedicated to all birds and everyone who loves them. BIRD TALES is an interactive book for people of all ages to enjoy together.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday's Words (10/6/2021): New selections are in my Fine Art America Shop!

I've added some new selections to my cards that are produced by FAA (Fine Art America) and one of my recent additions is titled Pumpkins Dress Up for Halloween, a copy of its image is featured atop this entry. To learn more about the specifics of this card as well as get info re my other greeting cards, please visit me on FAA by clicking here.

FAA can also render this (and a number of my other images) selection into a jigsaw puzzle  (a copy of an image of its box can be found directly below). For more details re this puzzle and to see my other selections, please visit me on FAA by clicking here.

This particular one is fun for families to work on together as each member could work on adding the pieces that belong to a particular pumpkin. 

The image, Pumpkins Dress Up for Halloween, is featured in volume two of my Words In Our Beak hardcover book series.

It's available on Amazon or by giving the ISBN number 0996378537 to a clerk wherever books are sold. This book makes a great gift at anytime, especially Halloween!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday's Truths WK 224

Here is Tuesday's Truth for segement 224: My web article (that includes a few of my photos), titled Guess the Pumpkin's Weight — A Halloween Tradition, was published by iLovetheUpperWestSide yesterday morning. Howevever, I was unable to share the link to it because of the lengthy outages on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp that occured throughoout most of the day... so here it is now and I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Update on "BIRD TALES"

Last Sunday here on Blogger, I posted a copy of my flyer that describes how to find my latest book BIRD TALES... 

This image is of the cover for my book, "BIRD TALES." It has three views of the Mandarin duck who visited NYC. Info for the book is @

... within Apple's Bookstore

A copy of this flyer can be seen directly below.

I thought I'd been clear in pointing out that one had to be on an Apple device to find BIRD TALES, but I guess not, for I received an e-mail from someone stating this:

"I went to Amazon and punched in your name and book title, but Bird Tales did not appear."

I'm not clear on how someone thought I referenced Amazon but because the sender of this e-mail interpetted my flyer in such a way, I was motivated to create a short video that is a tutorial on how to find BIRD TALES. A  copy of it is posted directly above and it can also be viewed on You Tube and/or Vimeo.

Meanwhile, I have now received a third review from someone who identifies himself as Scott Amsterdam. It can be read below along with the two reviews I received prior to Mr. Amsterdam's one.

If the reviews are too pixalated to read in this image, please click here to read them as they appear within Apple's Book Store.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux's Feast Day 2021

I don’t want this day to pass without honoring Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, whose feast day is today, October the first. The first of October is also the day I moved into my apartment in 1992 and I have an image of her on my key chain as well as a framed photo of her above my desk. 

She is known for many reasons, including for her “little way” and her appreciation of little things. This fact has prompted me to announce that I’ve been hard at work on another digital book for the Apple Bookstore. 

The title is It's The Little Things. Stay tuned for info!