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Friday, November 15, 2024

Bird. Watching.

These recent avian visitors to my rooftop garden (pictured above) have been one reason I believe this animal type is behind the term "bird watching." The bird varieties included within the images here (along with many other bird types) are featured my books.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

My intrigue with wild birds continues to bring me joy. Tuesday's Truths WK 232

Yikes! It's been a week since I returned to my Tuesday's Truths series (with no post in between)! Not the best of practices for returning to this blog but all I can say is Neurofibromatosis health issues continue to interfere. GRRRRR!

But fortunately, in spite these obstacles, my intrigue with wild birds continues to bring me joy.

The other day a female cardinal who visited my rooftop garden caused me to spend quite a bit of time just watching her apparent interest with something on a pole (or near to it) that's in the northeast corner.

I took photographs of her antics and two of those images are featured atop this entry.

This scenario of the cardinal mesmerized by whatever was on the pole or near to it, along with me being enthralled by the whole scene caused me to think of the quote within the text based image seen directly below.

Image Credit

In any event, and as many of you know, my fascination with female Northern cardinals has been going on for a long time and this type of creature is featured in my three volume book series, Words In Our Beak, where the stories are told from the perspective of this bird type. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday's Truths WK 231: Determination Helps

My return back to blogging (although I don't know how long I'll continue) is fairly recent, but for now I'm here, and back in the day when I was more active here on Blogger, I had a series that I called Tuesday's Truths.

The last time I posted something within this series was February 2, 2022 after I had endured a surgical procedure on my brachial plexus which was prior to subsequent Neurofibromatosis-related set backs. 

Today I'm adding this episode to the series.

It is inspired by a determined American robin who visited my rooftop garden this afternoon.

The creature became an inspiration for me to persevere, for as I was looking out my back door to my garden, and didn't see "a giant doin' cartwheels" [or a statue wearin' high heels]," I DID see a robin whose eyes were bigger than his beak, as evidenced by the photos atop this entry which feature this creature grappling with Concord grapes that had been on a plate atop a table in may garden.

I was determined to take photos of my avian visitor even though it was a bit hard to hold my DSLR and maintain my balance since I'm still wearing a soft-shoe cast and need a cane to get around, but I did what I could (albeit with a blurry result) knowing this bird was accomplishing what he/she could in an attempt to grab a grape.

Moreover, this "entertainment" was a great distraction from the rhetoric occurring on this Election Day and it was a nice "respite" from my ongoing battle with the recuperation from my August 14th 2024 foot surgery.

FYI, American robins (as do many other birds) always add delight to the atmosphere in my garden.

As you might recall, my garden is the setting for most of my bird-themed books and American robins are just one of many bird types included within my stories. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October might be ending, breast cancer awareness should not....

On this last day of October, I received a newsletter in my Inbox. As you will see the narrative points out that those who have NF-1 (Neurofibromatosis Type One) have an increased risk of breast cancer.

I have NF-1 and this is something I had already learned the hard way for my 2024 breast cancer diagnosis indicated an IMMEDIATE  need for a mastectomy before the cancer spread. 

That surgery took place this past April and I've been having follow-up appointments with my oncologist as we'll as a very invasive foot surgery that occurred this past August.

It's been quite a year.  

In any event these health issues have put yet another pause on my longstanding book project, Imperfect Strangers, but I will get back to it as soon as I am able. 

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Not so fast, Youngquist

In my last post here on Blogger that was much overdue, (the delay was unavoidable due to my having very serious medical complications), which were mostly as a result of my having Neurofibromatosis (NF), part of what I state in this post is, "Depending on the outcome of that appointment, I'm not sure how frequently I'll post but I will begin sharing content re my amazing space and the birds I observe from my window, a nice thing to be able to do when recuperating from foot surgery and a mastectomy."

The appointment I referred to was one with my surgeon who reconstructed my foot this past August. A photo montage atop this post feature my progress. The outcome of that particular doctor's visit indicated this: 

Although I will still have to use a soft-shoe cast, I can now switch out of it and a wear a special sneaker part-time, and if I use a cane I am able to walk outdoors, albeit minimally. I will return to the surgeon in November for X-rays and hopefully bandaging can be removed and restrictions on mobility will be lifted.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I'm back after yet another hiatus...

Once again I have had circumstances that have taken me away from being present here on Blogger as well as from moving forward with my "Imperfect Strangers" book project.

I feel akin to Mooch, the cat featured in the Mutts comic strip atop this entry and I must confess, the longer I'm away from my book project, the more confidence I lose re any value it might have. 

But I've received an encouraging "note" (email) from an advocate for those who suffer from NF.

It stated:

"Your struggle is real, Patricia. 
Youngsters nowadays are SO lucky to find there's information (re NF), care and acceptance of their differences, at least in safe circles.

You got a very opposite message.

Remind yourself of the courage and strength of character it took to make a new home in New York.

It wasn't the end of ridicule or discrimination, but your determination to educate the uninformed has been a real inspiration.

I'll admit that it seems cosmically unfair that you've been assaulted by so many complications - both painful and cosmetically distressing - at this point in your life.
Why you should be so afflicted I cannot understand.

All I can suggest is to set small goals for yourself each day. 
Celebrate small accomplishments.
Thank each bird who graces your garden. 
You're a good person with a kind soul. 
That's huge.


I'm not so sure RM is correct in calling me a person with "a kind soul," I can get pretty short tempered, but this is not the time or place for self-deprecation, so onward I shall go with my return to this blog.