Cam, the female cardinal seen in the first image above this entry, loves to nosh on black-oil sunflower seeds when in my urban (NYC) rooftop garden (seen in the second image).
This is one of the many facts about wild birds that Cam discusses in her book, Words In Our Beak,Volume One which is now in Apple's iBooks Store as well as on Amazon. Additionally, there are reviews for Words In Our Beak Volume One available on Goodreads. Moreover, information related to the book is posted on Brian Lehrer's (of WNYC) A New York Values Vision Board.
Words In Our Beak's goal is to open readers to a simple understanding of the winged world and their environment. Set in my rooftop urban garden in New York City, my story is told in the voice of Cam, a female cardinal, who visits it. Words In Our Beak is directed to children and adults who are curious about birds, and want to learn about them from a unique perspective. The book includes hundreds of images of flora and fauna, links to movies, as well as to informative narratives that have been created by the author.
ADENMENDUM: The digital versions of Volume One within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but a hardcover version of Volume One can be found wherever books are sold.
Moreover, Volume Two of the book series is now available! Both volumes one and two are in hardcover format (as seen below) and can be purchased any place where books are sold.
Volume One: ISBN: 9780996378529:
Book Seller Info:
Barnes & Noble On-Line:
book culture On Columbus:
Volume Two: ISBN: 9780996378536
Book Seller Info:
Barnes & Noble On-Line: