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Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday's Fact: An Update re "Words In Our Beak"


You may have already heard the news (posted by Chris Deatherage) on TLLG's Facebook Page: It seems Cam (seen in the picture above which features the image that's on her new book jacket) is about ready to publish the third and final volume of her Words In Our Beak book series.

If you haven't had the chance to read volumes one and/or volume two of her series (pictured below)...


... this might be the perfect time to do so in order to up to speed when she references them in what she plans to be her last volume.


Hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.


When the third volume of the hard-cover version of Words In Our Beak was released, I withdrew from promoting my former versions of Words In Our Beak. 

The very first one is an iBook and went into Apple's book store in 2015.

This was followed by an ePub version...

..that is available on Amazon and was also published in 2015.

Subsequently, Words In Our Beak's digital versions were published as a soft-cover book (with slight variations) by MagCloud in 2017.

Its press release can be read by clicking here.  [The press release does note my Kindle version of the digital Words In Our Beak, but I withdrew it from Amazon a few years ago and at this time, I do not intend to make it live again.]

Now with the release of BIRD TALES....

... I've been advised to make mention of my early versions of volume one of Words In Our Beak, they do vary ever so slightly in content from the hard-cover version of volume one.

As of this addendum, I do not intend to create digital or soft-cover versions of Words In Our Beak Volume Two or Words In Our Beak Volume Three.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Remembering Mary Shelley ETC

Today is August 30th, 2018, which means the official end of summer will not occur in my hemisphere for a few weeks (on Saturday, September 22, 2018 EST); and yet, many stores in NYC are already filled with Halloween merchandise. 

While I make it a habit to decorate my home for the holiday by using figurines clad in Halloween costumes, such as the ones seen in the image atop this entry. The photograph was taken in bygone years and included in prior entries within this blog, such as one which you may reference by clicking here.

As you can see in the picture above, and perhaps even more so in the photos directly below (because two of them have squares and circles affixed to them...

... some of the figurines (and seen even more clearly in the close-ups below) ....

are dressed in costumes related to Frankenstein, the character created  by author, Mary Shelley, who was born on this day of August 30th (in 1797). The anniversary of her birth is probably why I find myself thinking of Frankenstein on this hot August day.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Insects wanted to BEE a part of it, NY, NY (Wednesday's Wisdom)

I guess these insects may share something with many humans... when it comes to NYC, they want to BEE a part of it! In any event, as it happens, I was only a couple of blocks away from this incident when it occurred; although I didn't learn about the event until I returned home.

When it comes to bees, as readers of volume one of my Words In Our Beak book series (pictured below) most likely know, I have had the pleasure of observing their antics in my rooftop garden and have included my findings in my first book and in entries here on Blogger. I must confess that if this many bees came to my place, as they did to the hotdog stand in Time Square, I might be a bit unnerved.


Hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.


When the third volume of the hard-cover version of Words In Our Beak was released, I withdrew from promoting my former versions of Words In Our Beak. 

The very first one is an iBook and went into Apple's book store in 2015.

This was followed by an ePub version...

..that is available on Amazon and was also published in 2015.

Subsequently, Words In Our Beak's digital versions were published as a soft-cover book (with slight variations) by MagCloud in 2017.

Its press release can be read by clicking here.  [The press release does note my Kindle version of the digital Words In Our Beak, but I withdrew it from Amazon a few years ago and at this time, I do not intend to make it live again.]

Now with the release of BIRD TALES....

... I've been advised to make mention of my early versions of volume one of Words In Our Beak, they do vary ever so slightly in content from the hard-cover version of volume one.

As of this addendum, I do not intend to create digital or soft-cover versions of Words In Our Beak Volume Two or Words In Our Beak Volume Three.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Another View From The Bridge (Oak Bridge): Tuesday's Truths Wk 91

Welcome to the ninety-first segment of my Tuesday's Truths series! As you can see, I'm featuring a picture of a raccoon atop this entry. I came across this creature when I was crossing Oak Bridge (a bridge that I've featured in a prior post here on Blogger), which is located in NYC's magnificent Central Park.  A web-page has this to say re Oak Bridge:

"Back in 1860 when Calvert Vaux and Frederic Law Olmstead gave the world Central Park, one key element at the northern end of the Lake was Oak Bridge, a span constructed of white oak and cast iron leading into the Ramble. That bridge has since been replaced twice, first with another fancy one in the 1870s (when it was renamed the Bank Rock Bridge), and then again in the lean years of the Great Depression by a utilitarian model in tubular steel with a wood plank floor. Now the original Vaux design, re-imagined by Jan Herd Pokorny Associates, is being reconstructed. Again we get carved white oak and cast iron, but now it all sits atop a very substantial base that should last for generations..."

I've also read (in a variety of of newspapers and on the web) that "if you're lucky you might catch a glimpse of the baby raccoons or the giant snapping turtle."

So, I guess you could say I was lucky in encountering this raccoon, who was one among many swimming amongst turtles (one can be seen in the image directly below where he/she is taking a swim near the lower right of a raccoon) in this body of water.

And although some might consider me lucky to come upon these raccoons, these creatures have not been so lucky in this summer of 2018.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Eve of August 24th

This evening marks my New Year's Eve, dear reader!
Will you still be sending me a valentine, Birthday greetings, bottle of wine? (I like dry white and rosé...)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Book reviews really are necessary! (Wednesday's Wisdom)

Amazon has opened up brick and mortar stores in Manhattan. One of them is in the Time Warner Building where Borders used to be (seen in this picture  — which is from the web — atop my entry).

I spoke to a manager at that location re carrying my book series (Words In Our Beak) pictured below...


...and was informed that they will consider carrying books whose authors offer them on Amazon (which I do) provided they see the book/books have a number of reviews (I have some).

If you happened to buy either volume one or volume two of my book series on Amazon and have not had a chance to review it; I'd truly appreciate it if you could do that, so my chances of having the books included in their brick and mortar bookstores are more promising.

For your convenience, here are the Amazon links.


Hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.


When the third volume of the hard-cover version of Words In Our Beak was released, I withdrew from promoting my former versions of Words In Our Beak. 

The very first one is an iBook and went into Apple's book store in 2015.

This was followed by an ePub version...

..that is available on Amazon and was also published in 2015.

Subsequently, Words In Our Beak's digital versions were published as a soft-cover book (with slight variations) by MagCloud in 2017.

Its press release can be read by clicking here.  [The press release does note my Kindle version of the digital Words In Our Beak, but I withdrew it from Amazon a few years ago and at this time, I do not intend to make it live again.]

Now with the release of BIRD TALES....

... I've been advised to make mention of my early versions of volume one of Words In Our Beak, they do vary ever so slightly in content from the hard-cover version of volume one.

As of this addendum, I do not intend to create digital or soft-cover versions of Words In Our Beak Volume Two or Words In Our Beak Volume Three.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday's Truth's: The Ninetieth Segment: Another Day in the Life of Having NF-1

This is my ninetieth post within my Tuesday's Truths series here on Blogger and I'm using it as an opportunity to share a recent experience that I had when I was at a Starbucks on the the UWS of NYC, but first let me ask you a quick question:

Have you ever found yourself nonchalantly walking down the street, going about your every day business of living, when suddenly — from out of nowhere — a stranger calls out to you, points to a perceived “flaw” in your overall physical appearance and asks you, “What is that?”

Monday, August 20, 2018

#NationalRadioDay 2018

Today is #NationalRadioDay, certainly worthy of the nod, at least for yours truly, for I am an avid radio listener; and I've also been a guest on two radio programs that are based in NYC.

My first time being interviewed on the radio took place at the studios for 1010 WINS, where I was interviewed by John Montone about how conditions with my eyesight influenced my kaleidoscopic art work (that can now be purchased through Fine Art America). I wrote about my experience with John Monotone in one my first entries here on Blogger.

The second time I was interviewed by a radio host was when Karen Lewis had me on her WBAI radio program The Al Lewis Show) to discuss how my visual challenges shaped my rendering images re Black and White photography.

Both of these interviews can be listened to via my website,

Meanwhile in honor of National Radio Day, I'm posting a clip (seen above this entry) of a scene from Woody Allen's, Radio Days, a film he made in the late 1980's. I worked (as an actress in a "silent bit" role) on that film in the scene filmed at Radio City Music Hall that is featured in this clip.

Be that as it may, on this radio-related holiday, I'm also hoping for another opportunity to be heard on another radio program! I've heard back from a certain national radio station requesting copies of my book series, Words In Our Beak...

VOLUMES ONE AND TWO they can consider having me as a guest to discuss my books and related issues. Fingers crossed that this will take place. Stay tuned to know if and when you can tune in to your radio should they decide to interview me.


Hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Sad Story Re NY's Beaches

I have been to a number of NY beaches affected by this heartbreaking news of the discovery regarding medical waste washing up on the shore causing them to be closed in order to protect people and I must say maybe beaches need to be closed to the public to protect the ocean from people.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

8-18-18's Trivia is from Nancy Nelson Mancini!

The image posted directly above is a reminder about August 2018 trivia (specifically today's date) and it came from Nancy Nelson Mancini, my prolific writing comrade and avid reader of various versions my Words In Our Beak book series (pictured below).


Before volume one became available in hardcover format seen at the left in the photo directly above, it was published in soft cover format (2016) via MagCloud (seen in the next image).


Nancy purchased the book in this format and posted a comment on my MagCloud page saying:

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday Follow-up: A reminder re accessories to lighten back-to-school anxiety...

Yikes! Sally's having another moment of anxiety re the onset of a new school year! Perhaps you know someone who feels the same way — be a student OR an educator?

This can be a stressful time, but hopefully made more bearable with my cool book bags (featuring designs which are based on my kaleidoscopic photographs as seen in the pictures below).


More Information re my back-to-school accessories (for all ages) can be found on my Fine Art America Pages @ AND

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday's Testimony: Plastics are NOT for the birds (or for any other living creature)...

The comic strip atop this entry was in my inbox today and upon seeing it, I was instantly reminded of a couple of seagulls whom I've seen "collecting plastics" on Long Beach. A couple of my images featuring this disturbing scenario are posted directly below.

It never ceases to amaze me how people litter (for surely no other creature is leaving plastics behind).

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Some Facts Regarding Laughing Gulls (Wednesday's Wisdom)

In a recent entry here on Blogger, I mentioned that I had been to Long Beach and learned something new about the Ring-billed seagull: "they pant, like dogs which releases heat through evaporation of moisture along the bird's mouth, throat and lungs" and "because birds lack sweat glands, they do not sweat to cool off like we do. A bird will open its mouth and breath faster, which increases the airflow."

On that same day I noticed a Laughing Gull doing the same thing as evidenced in the photo atop this entry. This avian creature is new to me and marks the twelfth new bird whom I've seen in this Year of the Bird.

My last time seeing a bird who was new to me (who happened to be a gray/grey catbird) occurred on 5/29/2018, an encounter which I wrote here on Blogger at that time.

Be that as it may, since today is Wednesday, the day I set aside for my Wednesday's Wisdom series, I'll be using this opportunity to share some information about the Laughing Gull. After all, part of the definition of wisdom, "or sapience is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight."

And the gull seen here is certainly using his/her wisdom to cool down on a hot summer day, however there are a number of other interesting facts re this bird type.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Wildlife and trees provide inspiration for my kaleidoscopic images. Tuesday's Truths WK 89

Welcome to the eighty-ninth segment of my Tuesday's Truths series where I will be reminding you how certain wildlife (such as the turtles featured in the mini video atop this entry and in the photos directly below),

provided the inspiration for my kaleidoscopic imageTurtle Pond.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday's Musings (8/13/2018)

My sister snd her son (James Miranda) were in NYC for a few days last week and he wanted to see The Plaza Hotel, so at my suggestion, we walked through a portion of Central Park and headed towards the Gapstow Bridge to give him a scenic route of getting there.

An image of this famous bridge (which was taken from a web-page) can be seen atop this entry. The text accompanying states the following:

"Curving gracefully over the neck of the Pond at 59th Street, Gapstow is one of the iconic bridges of Central Park. It is the second bridge on the site. The first, a much more elaborate wood and iron bridge, designed by Jacob Wrey Mould, deteriorated and was replaced in 1896. The bridge offers postcard views of the surrounding cityscape. Facing south, you can see the famed Plaza Hotel and distinctive New York skyscrapers rising from above the Park's trees. Look southward in the winter and you'll see Wollman Rink's twirling skaters; in the warmer months you'll see the colorful amusements of Victorian Gardens."

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Seagull's Work Around to a Cooling Center

When the heat index is predicted to be dangerously high, New York City opens cooling centers in air-conditioned facilities to offer people relief from the heat, but since seagulls don't have access to such places, they have their own methods of getting relief from the heat, which is something I learned on a recent trip (this past Thursday) to Long Beach.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

It's Book Lovers Day!


August 9 is Book Lovers Day, an unofficial holiday that encourages people to pick up a book (or two) and spend the day reading. ... If you are a book lover yourself, then treat yourself to some quality reading time.

Book Lovers Day is also known as National Book Lovers Day in the United States. Re this date, one web-page states this is a time to "honor all the bookworms and book lovers in your life."

And they go on to say, "If you are a book lover yourself, then treat yourself to some quality reading time."

On this day Cam, a prolific female cardinal (whose stories can be found in our current book series, Words In Our Beak) and I hope you will take this opportunity to spend time with her (and her friends) through volumes one and two her stories (volume three is being formatted) which mostly take place in my rooftop garden.


Hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.


When the third volume of the hard-cover version of Words In Our Beak was released, I withdrew from promoting my former versions of Words In Our Beak. 

The very first one is an iBook and went into Apple's book store in 2015.

This was followed by an ePub version...

..that is available on Amazon and was also published in 2015.

Subsequently, Words In Our Beak's digital versions were published as a soft-cover book (with slight variations) by MagCloud in 2017.

Its press release can be read by clicking here.  [The press release does note my Kindle version of the digital Words In Our Beak, but I withdrew it from Amazon a few years ago and at this time, I do not intend to make it live again.]

Now with the release of BIRD TALES....

... I've been advised to make mention of my early versions of volume one of Words In Our Beak, they do vary ever so slightly in content from the hard-cover version of volume one.

As of this addendum, I do not intend to create digital or soft-cover versions of Words In Our Beak Volume Two or Words In Our Beak Volume Three.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wednesday's Wisdom: "Summer-izing" Books!

Love this cartoon by Mark Parisi! And for Wednesday's Wisdom, I'd like to offer you a way to "summer-ize" (not summarize) your books, dear reader: Take them with you to the ocean to read during these hot summer days, but do so by putting them in my kaleidoscopic-themed totes that are available from Fine America (FAA).

Since, I'm on the subject of reading at the beach, please let me remind you that while both volumes of Cam's book series, Words In Our Beak ...


... are great for reading there (or anywhere), part of volume two refers to Cam's (the female cardinal who narrates these stories) trip to Long Beach (on Long Island) where she and her children came upon the bird type known as American Oystercatchers.