Blogger Patricia Youngquist is an author and a photographer. Her recent e-book, BIRD TALES, is interactive and includes the Blue jay featured above. Prior works include versions of WORDS IN OUR BEAK, where the stories are narrated by Cam, a female cardinal. Additionally, some of her photographs have been licensed by Fine Art America to reproduce as wall art and on to an array of surfaces for various products! Do view both side-bars for specific details on all of this.
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Saturday, December 31, 2016
Today is known as The 7th Day of Christmas! (It's also the last day of 2016!)
Today may be the last day of 2016, but it's also the seventh day of Christmas! And, if you are familiar with the song known as The Twelve Days Of Christmas, dear reader, then you probably recall that on the seventh day of Christmas, someone's true love gave to them these gifts: seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five golden rings, four birds a calling (or a colling or a coaling), as well as the gifts of three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
As I mentioned in a recent posting here on Blogger, John R. Henderson, has studied the meaning behind the lyrics to the twelve days song, and has posted his findings on a web-page which he has titled the 12 Birds of Christmas. Here's what Henderson points out re the bird (swan) type associated with the giving of seven swans a swimming on this seventh day of Christmas:
"A message to celebrate the beauty of the unknown. Swans are birds of elegance and mystery. Seven represents mystery and elegance, largely in part to the movement of the seven planets (only seven were known until 1846). Planets moved unlike all the other stars and had their own intricate patterns – nothing was more elegant and mysterious. Oddly, although the swans are swimming they represent Air, which as an element includes the sky and the heavens."
At this time, I only recall seeing swans in a park not too far from where I grew up, however I haven't seen a swan in recent times. Be that as it may, Mr. Henderson's ideas have truly given me something to keep in mind the next time I happen to see a swan a swimming. Meanwhile, swans for the seventh day of Christmas, will have to be represented by the swan-themed ornament featured in the image atop today's entry.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Flash Back Friday: The Sixth Day of Christmas (Three Years Later)
Today is the sixth day of Christmas and it is a "holiday" that I wrote about three years ago in an entry here on Blogger, where I included the image of the figurine featured atop this posting. If you'd like to refer to that post, please click here.
Meanwhile, dear reader, if you are familiar with the lyrics to a song known as The Twelve Days of Christmas, than you know, that on this sixth day of Christmas, someone's true love gave to them, six geese a laying, five golden rings, four birds a calling (or a colling or a coaling), as well as the gifts of three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
As I mentioned in the day before yesterday's Blogger posting, John R. Henderson, has studied the meaning behind the lyrics to the twelve days song, and has posted his findings on a web-page which he has titled the 12 Birds of Christmas. Here's what Henderson points out re the bird (geese) type associated with the giving of six geese a-laying on this sixth day of Christmas:
"The important element is the 'a-laying' part. The Egg represents the creation cycle of birth, death, re-birth. And what about the number Six? Because of the shape of the number, which is a continuous, spiraling curve without angle, it too represents the cycle of life. Geese also represent Water, another of the four life-giving elements."
Mr. Henderson's ideas have truly given me something to keep in mind the next time I happen to see geese. My encounters with this bird type (the Canadian variety) have taken place in Central Park as well as when I've been down by the Hudson Riverside on the westside of NYC.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The Fifth Day of Christmas
Today's the fifth day of the 2016-2017 Christmas season. It is a day when according to a song (The Twelve Days of Christmas), that someone's true love gave to them five golden rings, four calling birds, as well as three french hens, and a partridge in a pear tree. The Christmas ornament seen in the photograph atop this entry is representative of today's gift that a true love gave to someone near and dear to him/her. And it's the gift I plan to bring it to a married couple that live not too far from me at some time today. I hope they will enjoy this bird-themed ornament as much as I do, but then, I'm someone who deeply appreciates birds, as evidenced by my posts here on Blogger, as well as by my entries on tumblr, Facebook, hometalk and Pinterest.
As I mentioned in yesterday's Blogger posting, John R. Henderson, has studied the meaning behind the lyrics to the twelve days song, and has posted his findings on a web-page which he has titled the 12 Birds of Christmas. Here's what Henderson, who associates pheasants with the fifth day of Christmas points out re this bird type and the giving of five golden rings on this fifth day of Christmas:
"They may not sound bird-like to you, but these are ring-necked pheasants. Not native to Europe, pheasants had been introduced there during Roman times and were quite common throughout Europe before the rise of Christianity. Pheasants were symbols of the element of Fire and sensuous sexuality. The number Five also represents sensuality and magic. Ever wonder why there is so much emphasis, rhythmically, to this verse?"
Mr. Henderson's theory has certainly given me something to keep in mind the next time I happen to see a pheasant. My encounters with this bird type have been minimal, the last time I saw a pheasant was this past spring.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Wednesday's Wisdom Facts Re "4 calling birds"
Yesterday, was the third day of Christmas; and here on Blogger, I weighed in with my musings re that particular holiday and included some thoughts on the second as well as the first day of Christmas.
Today is known as the fourth day of Christmas, the day when someone's true love gave to them four calling birds or four colly birds; depending on one's interpretation of the story told within the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Growing up, I was always led to believe that on the fourth day of Christmas someone's true love gave to them, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. Now, after all these years of singing the twelve days, I've discovered one's true love was never given calling birds; rather he/she was most likely given colly or coaly birds!
According to "research and speculative detective work" done by John R. Henderson, "the version of the Twelve Days of Christmas that we know today dates back only as far as 1909, when arranger Frederic Austin's transcription of the words and his own tune were published in London. The three earliest printed versions (with no music) date back to about 1780, and it is noteworthy that the order of the gifts was different than the Twentieth Century version. The song was old when it was first published. One scholar has found what she thinks are elements of the song in a damaged manuscript from the seventh century, the time of Beowulf, the great heroic pagan poem.
"Most of what we know about the Anglo-Celtic pagan religion comes from Christian writers condemning it. What the Anglo-Celts actually believed will never be known for sure, but there are clues. We know numbers had special signifigance to them, and we know that birds were honored as holy symbols of fertility. That in itself might actually provide even more evidence of the song's true non-Christian origins."
Henderson states that on the fourth day of Christmas, one was given four colly birds and he claims "the birds are really Colly Birds, not Calling Birds. Colly birds may be any of several coal-black birds – crows, jackdaws, rooks, or ravens. These birds of the night carry the power and mystery of the dark season of the year. The raven was the bird of battle. Four is an important number to link with the darkness, since Four is the number of the Earth, which, though now asleep and filled in darkness, remains fertile and a potent elemental source of power. "
I have no pictures of crows, jackdaws, rooks or ravens in the collection of bird images that I've taken over the years. Therefore, I'm representing these coal-colored birds by featuring images (atop this entry) of figurines based on crow varieties.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Tuesday's Truths WK 22: The 3rd Day of Christmas
Welcome to the twenty-second week of my Tuesday's Truths series! Today also happens to be the third day of the twelve days of Christmas. This series of days is represented pictorially in an image atop my blog post and details re this picture can be found by clicking here.
According to a Christmas-related web-page, "The 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day and last until the evening of the 5th January - also known as Twelfth Night. The 12 Days have been celebrated in Europe since before the middle ages and were a time of celebration."
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Some musings RE "BABY'S FIRST CHRISTMAS": "A Christmas filled with love!"
It's Christmas Day and the photo atop today's blog entry features me on my parent's Christmas card** and seeing it now has prompted me to recall Connie Francis singing, "Baby's First Christmas."
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Tonight is The First Night of Chanukah Moreover, it's also Christmas Eve!
Tonight is The First Night of Chanukah. There will be a menorah lighting ceremony on 59th Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City, at the southern most point of Central Park. According to a NYC-related web-page, the menorah to be lit is 32 feet tall and weighs 4.000 pounds! The menorahs pictured in the image atop this entry are just a little smaller than that (-;
Be that as it may, in spite of having Jewish ancestors, I know very little about Chanukah or the lighting of the menorah, but I have read that "Chanukah means 'dedication,' and commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after its desecration by foreign forces and the Jews' victory over the Hellenist Syrians in the year 165 B. C. For the rededication celebration, the Maccabees desired to light the menorah and looked everywhere for oil, finally finding a small flask that contained only enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days. The message of Chanukah may be found in the name of the holiday itself: dedication —not only of the temple building but of individual lives to the pursuit of high religious and human ideals." This quote is something I discussed in bygone years in an entry here on Blogger where I wrote about a parallel between Advent and Chanukah.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Friday Follow-Up: The Celebration of Festivus
Today is a holiday known as Festivus! I blogged about it in 2010 in an entry where I included fun facts about my Japanese Larch (Larix Kaempferi) which grows in an urban garden that I have on my rooftop in NYC.
Be that as it may, the hot-looking figurine seen in the photo atop this entry is admiring the way she has made herself look for the celebrations (and yes that's plural, she gets around) which she plans to attend on this holiday!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Wednesday's Wisdom: The Winter Solstice (The darkest day brings more light.)
Today in New York City, the 2016 winter solstice began at 5:44 A.M. As most folks know, the winter solstice is the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. However, it also signifies the coming of lighter days and often brings on a festive mood; as evidenced by the snowpersons pictured in the images directly above this blog entry.
In certain time zones, religious leaders have used the coming, of more light as an analogy to Christ's coming bringing more light with his birthday celebrated on December 25th, the day of Christmas.
It is a comforting thought on the surface for believers, unless one thinks about that too long. For isn't His birth proclaimed in a hymn's lyrics as "joy to the world?" Not all of the world experiences the December winter solstice in this manner. For example, our Aussie friends and Brazilian comrades are usually in the midst of summer at this time.
Be that as it may, some folks see the winter solstice as a sign of hope because the light will be increasing with each of the coming days, and they have the mindset of the snowlady pictured below.
On another note, those same people tend to dread the summer solstice because each coming day after that is darker and darker!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Tuesday's Truths WK 21: Canadian Palm Trees (They Are Exotic!)
Welcome to the twenty-first week of my Tuesday's Truth series! In yesterday's post, I promised that in this entry, I would share images of my Canadian Palm Tree that has been placed in my urban garden which is on a rooftop in NYC. A view of this unusual Christmas tree can be seen atop this blog post. And a detail from it can be seen below.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Today, December 19th, is a holiday! Everyone in the know, which is surely you, dear reader, is aware of what this date signifies. According to a number of sources, today is called Look for An Evergreen Day! Both Holiday Insights and Melinda Meyers state that December 19th is National Look for an Evergreen Day. Meyers advises her readers not to "worry if (they) already have (their) holiday tree; (and to) take advantage of this unique holiday (by going) outside and (looking) at the evergreens in (their) neighborhood."
Sunday, December 18, 2016
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Today is The Fourth Sunday in the 2016 Advent season. I've written about Advent in bygone years here on Blogger, including an entry which you may refer to by clicking here. And this year, I've provided entries re The First, The Second and The Third Sunday of Advent. Each of these three entries has included an image of my 2016 Advent Wreath as it appeared on a given Sunday during this Advent season. My wreath is looking a little bedraggled on this last Sunday of Advent, as evidenced by the image atop this entry. However, the message for the Fourth Sunday of Advent is as vibrant as ever!
Saturday, December 17, 2016
A Reason For My UNWRITTEN Musings? (Including The Third Sunday of Advent)
The image above this blog entry is a copy of an essay by E.B. White. According to Rebecca Hall, who produced a collection of White's essays, this piece was published in The New Yorker in 1930. It is an essay that I've read and re-read a number of times as it truly speaks to my heart when I'm experiencing moments of frustration as a writer.
Often when folks hear of one's inability to move forward with his/her writing, they attribute the "plight" to the author having writer's block. While this may be true, I think, in my case, the inability to move forward on composing a certain piece, might be due to the reason White offers re an inability to write about a given topic: "writing about them might prove embarrassing."
Friday, December 16, 2016
Follow-Up Friday: Christmas Card Day
Due to a number of circumstances, the last time that I was able to post an entry here on Blogger was December 8th 2016 and I'm glad to be back! In any event, last Friday, December the 9th, was a holiday known as Christmas Card Day and I'm sorry to be telling you about it one week after the occurrence! But since Christmas is ten days from now, it is certainly not too late to do something about Christmas cards!
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Throwback Thursday: John Lennon's Murder: 12-8-1980
Today is the feast of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary as indicated in the photo atop this entry in an image from Prints of Grace.
It is also the thirty-sixth anniversary of John Lennon's murder. And just as it is said that people of a certain age remember what they were doing when they received the news that John F. Kennedy was assassinated (as I blogged about in a post here on Blogger), it is said that most people of a certain age will remember what they were doing when they received word that Lennon was shot and killed in New York City, just outside his home, a half a block away from where I now reside.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Wednesday's Wisdom: Outdoor Xmas Trees... are for the birds!
The photograph atop this entry features a Christmas tree that I had in my urban garden (which is on a rooftop in NYC) in 2015. I am thinking of putting up a tree for the 2016 Christmas season next week. I have not done my garden winterizing for the 2016-2017 season, and that annual task is a prerequisite for putting up any holiday decor. This chore involves wrapping all my containers in bubble wrap, as well as burlap (from on-line fabrics), and then tying them with jute, before placing them in the southeastern corner of my garden (to protect them for the season).
If you look closely at this image you will see an orange arrow (near to by signature) in the lower right corner. The arrow indicates the area where most of my winterized containers of flora are placed for a given season.
And if you look closely at my Christmas tree (topped with a star), you will notice that I have quite a number of ornaments on it which happen to be bird feeders (mostly suet basket varieties).
My Christmas trees have become a place for an array of types of fauna (including a Harper, a Northern Mockingbird), to get food and keep warm.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Tuesday's Truths WK 20: Honoring Saint Nicholas
Welcome to the twentieth week of my Tuesday's Truths series where I am paying homage to the beloved Saint Nicholas, as today, December the sixth, is his feast day. The image atop this entry is a depiction Saint Nicholas, and it comes from In any event, according to Holiday Insights, "Saint Nicholas lived in the country of Greece, just a couple hundred years after the birth of Christ. (And) This day is in honor of Saint Nicholas and his life."
Monday, December 5, 2016
Repeal Day is today. It commemorates the repeal of the 18th Amendment!
Today, December 5th, is Repeal Day! It commemorates the repeal of the 18th Amendment. Once more, Americans were free to buy, sell, and consume alcoholic beverages. According to Holiday Insights, in "the early 1900's, many of the good people of America believed that alcohol was the root cause of many social ills in the country. Prohibition on a national scale, was promoted in part by the American Christian Women's Temperance Union. This movement grew in popularity. Ultimately, the United States Congress passed the 18th amendment on January 16, 1919. The 16th Amendment prohibited the manufacture, transportation, sale and consumption of alcohol.
"The ban on alcohol did little to improve the social conditions of the country, or to reduce crime. Rather, crime increased as racketeers got into the the business of making and selling alcohol. The popularity of the 18th Amendment waned. More and more people and groups sought it's repeal.
"Congress passed the 21st Amendment, effectively repealing the 18th Amendment. On December 5, 1933, the State of Utah voted it's approval of the 21st Amendment, achieving the 3/4 of states need to approve this amendment. Thus on this day, the 18th Amendment was formally repealed."
And in honor of this day, one of the things I'd like you to know is that the hats and scarves which you may have used on your bottles of hard liquor, liqueurs, as well as wine, can be re-used once your bottles get tired of wearing this apparel!
The photo atop this blog entry features a few of my bottles decked out in hats as well as scarves; and it may be an image that you recognize, as I featured it in a 2011 post, Rockin' Around the Hens and Chicks! In any event, bottles filled with alcoholic beverages get tired of wearing the same accessories year after year, and, so they shared some ideas on how their articles of clothing could be used for charitble purposes!
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Two Celebrations! The 2nd Sunday of Advent AND National Cookie Day!
Today is The Second Sunday of Advent! Last Sunday, November the 27th 2016, which was The First Sunday of Advent, began the new liturgical year with The Season of Advent.
I wrote about this fact in a blog post and mentioned that, "according to Holiday Insights: 'Advent is a holy season in the Christian calendar. It is the beginning of the liturgical calendar. It is a very special time, as Christians wait and prepare for the coming of the Lord, Jesus whose birth we celebrate on Christmas. While Santa Claus' arrival is a big big event, we must remember Jesus' birth on earth is much bigger, and the real cause for Christmas. In the early days of the church, Advent was a time of prayer and confession. Today, Advent is more a time of preparation and expectation of the coming of the Lord.
"'The Advent Wreath is an important symbol of Advent of the season. It usually sits on the dinner table and is a constant reminder of the holy season. The wreath is of German origin and consists for an evergreen wreath, and four Advent candles. Three candles are purple and one is pink.
"'The lighting tradition- On the fourth Sunday before Christmas (the first Sunday of Advent), the first Advent candle is lit at dinner and a short prayer is said. The first candle is lit each night along with a short prayer. On the second Sunday of Advent, a second purple candle is lit. On the third Sunday the pink candle is lit. Finally on the fourth Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the birth of Christ, the final purple candle is lit."
The first two images atop this blog entry feature my Advent wreath as it appeared on the Second Sunday in Advent during bygone years, while the third picture features how it appeared on the vigil (eve) of this year's Second Sunday in Advent.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
It's Chester Greenwood Day!
Today is the first Saturday in December which means that it's Chester Greenwood Day! He can be seen in the photo above, wearing earmuffs, an accessory that he invented!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Follow-Up Friday: Using Christmas Tree Parts & Other News Re "Words In Our Beak"
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Throwback Thursday: The Week After T'giving
I generally don't use the term, "Throwback Thursday," but there is always a first time, and after all, today marks a week since the holiday known as Thanksgiving was celebrated. The video posted atop this blog post is one I found on You tube and it features one of the bands that marched down the streets of NYC in the 2016 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The view that can be seen here is from a vantage point that is much further south than from where I viewed the parade.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Wednesday's Wisdom: "....a time to mourn"
My father died twenty-one years on this day of November 30th in 1995, which was the Monday after Thanksgiving. In any event, from the moment I first knew him, as evidenced in the image above featuring one of our earliest encounters, I loved him dearly. And I'm told that he was very excited about my coming into the world, which is demonstrated, to a certain extent in the following picture.
The image features him with my mother and was taken a little under a month before I was born. In it he's comparing his belly to hers! My dad had a great sense of humor as well as a quick wit, and he often put a spin on the lyrics of songs, which is a fact, I've written about in prior entries here on Blogger, including one that I published six years ago on November 29th 2010.
In the aforementioned post, I wrote that, "Most people when recalling my father's antics will remember him for having his own takes on "Top-40" music hits. For example, with the song, "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden," the lyrics go,"I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden . . ." but my father's take on it was,"I beg your pardon, I never farted in your rose garden . . .
"As for the once-upon-a-time hit song,"Bad Moon Rising," the lyric-line is,"There'a a bad moon on the rise". My father's version? "There's a bathroom on the right." And with Paul McCartney's, Band on the Run, where the lyric-line,"band on the run" repeats over and over again, my father's rendition was,"band with the runs."
"My father's sense of humor, and apparent relationship with songs, remained with him throughout his life. Even at the very bitter end, when he had hoped to be out of a hospital where he had been for treatment due to severe consequences of emphysema, he recorded a tape giving Louis Armstrong "a run for his money".
"In the tape, my father expresses what the doctors had hoped to do: have him out of the hospital the Monday after Thanksgiving. Sadly that was not to be, as he was still in the hospital the "Monday after Thanksgiving" and declining quickly: dying that week after Thanksgiving instead," which was on November 30, 1995.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Tuesday's Truths WK 19: My fauna, flora, and insect themed postcards have been selling at M&M!
It's time for another Tuesday Truth! Nineteen days ago, here on Blogger, I made an announcement that Steve Mohr, the sole proprietor of More & More Antiques (an exquisite shop on the UWS in NYC), had made the decision to sell my fauna-flora-insect-themed postcards. In that announcement, I stated that "... Steve Mohr's place has been there for over twenty-five years. Mohr's vast knowedge of antiques, coupled with an excellent eye for spotting unusual and interesting collectible pieces, guarantees a fun experience to anyone who goes there.
"In addition to offering unique collectibles, More & More Antiques has wonderful items for the home, especially for the various holidays. The way in which the shop's owner, Steve Mohr, displays them is magical! I confess that his talent in positioning the whimsical figurines (which he sells during the various holiday seasons) has inspired a number of the "stories" that I've written for hometalk.
"Steve's displays, as well as the helpfulness of Nancy Nelson Mancini (who works there), have been the inspiration (whenever figurines are involved) for entries here on Blogger (as well as tumblr and Facebook) that have to do with New Year's, Three Kings Day, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any patriotic holiday."
In any event, I'm grateful that Steve has not only decided to sell my cards, he has also placed them in a "prominent" position (on the countertop where one pays for purchases) in his shop! The photograph atop this blog entry features how my postcards look in Mohr's store.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
The 2016 Advent Season begins today.
Today, Sunday, November the 27th 2016, marks the beginning of a new liturgical year with The Season of Advent.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Three Days After... Photographs & Musings: Macy's 2016 Thanksgiving Parade Part Two-B
Welcome to the conclusion of my coverage re my experiences with the 2016 Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. If you follow this blog, then you know that every day from November 15th 2016 through the eve of Thanksgiving (November 23rd 2016), I provided posts with cool information regarding the participants (mostly the character balloons and novelty balloons). And on Thanksgiving Day, as well as the day after, my blog entries were centered on what took place during this year's parade. Today's blog entry will be my last one for the 2016 year of this particular event.
Friday, November 25, 2016
The Day After... Photographs & Musings: Macy's 2016 Thanksgiving Parade Part Two-A
It's the day after Thanksgiving, a day that has long been called Black Friday, which is a topic that I've written about in bygone years here on Blogger. However, within this blog post for the day after Thanksgiving or Black Friday, I will not be covering that subject. Rather, I will fulfill my promise that I made in yesterday's entry, which was that I would continue my coverage of the 2016 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Part of what I state in the aforementioned blog post is that two brand new characters have been rendered into Macy's balloons, and yesterday they made their debut in this venue! Those characters are Trixie the Dog as well as the Dreamworks Trolls. They can be seen (in the images posted atop this entry) making their way down the streets of NYC with trees from near by Central Park as their "back drop.
As you can see the features of Trixie the Dog as well as her tag (top image) are almost as as big as a traffic light! In any event, you can also see that both character balloons are "flew" much lower than usual this year. This often happens during windy connection or near to the starting point of the parade, which is where these pictures were taken.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
I LOVE A PARADE! Photographs & Musings: Macy's 2016 Thanksgiving Parade Part One
Well, well, well, after my many blog posts during the pre-Macy's 2016 Thanksgiving Parade, it finally happened today, and it certainly did not disappoint! What a treat it was to witness the good man, Charlie Brown, lead the entourage of Macy's balloons down Central Park South in NYC! Charlie had a make-over for this year's Macy's Parade, which allowed him to have his kite!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Tomorrow's The Parade!
Sponge Bob, the popular Macy's ballon pictured above, is here with me to announce that the 90th Macy's Thanksgiving Parade will take place in NYC tomorrow! I began blogging about this event on November 15th 2016, with an entry where I included photos of various Macy's balloons including one with Woodstock riding on Snoopy; and ones rendered in the likeness of Thomas The Tank, as well as Spider Man. From what Sponge Bob tells me, Spider Man will not participate this year.
Wednesdays Wisdom: It's good to be with helmet and hose.
Folks are doing a number of things in response to the result of the 2016 presidential election, and most of those actions seem to be demonstrating or signing petitions.
Others are attending retreats to gain perspective, as well as to cleanse and renew their spirits. One such retreat was held on November 12th at Corpus Cristi Church in Manhattan. The retreat had been planed long before the political angst occurred in NYC (and throughout the world), but perhaps that was providential.
In any event, the retreat I am referring to was sponsored by the NYC Chapter of The Thomas Merton Society. The theme of the retreat was In Everything Mercy: Thomas Merton and Pope Francis on the Merciful Heart of God.
Christopher Pramuk led the event, and all the while, attendees had the pleasure of Thomas Merton smiling upon us, albeit from the vantage point of being in a painting by James Nally, which can be seen atop this blog entry.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Yet Another Tuesday's Truth for Week Eighteen: Two Days Until The Parade!
There are only two days remaining until The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade marches down the streets of NYC on Thanksgiving Day! As I've been reporting here on Blogger, it is a parade that is near AND dear to the heart!
I confess that I've NEVER seen the parade on television. My main vantage point for viewing the parade has been from on the street where I live. This has given me the advantage of seeing just how colossal the Macy's balloons actually are as evidenced in the following images which shows various details of the balloons faces that are rendered in the likeness of Angry Bird, Charlie (a Macy's Christmas Elf), and Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger; as well as the shoe of Ronald McDonald.
Tuesday's Truth WK 18: JFK's Obituary
In memory of the fifty-third anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place on 11-22-1963, I am posting an obituary written by E.B. White (for The New Yorker magazine) atop this entry.
Monday, November 21, 2016
People Watching is for the birds & balloons: 03 DAYS UNTIL THE PARADE
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