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Monday, June 21, 2021

Laughing gulls spending time in Long Branch

The Laughing gull featured in photograph atop this entry appears to be doing ballet. I enclountered this creature on a recent trip to a beach in Long Branch New Jersey.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday's Memo: Facts re Daylilies

"Don't fence me in," certain daylilies growing within Theodore Roosevelt Park seemed to be saying (as evidenced in the photograph atop this entry) when I passed by them on my way home from the greenmarket.

I've seen this flora variety on countless occasions but I must confess I may not have noticed their expressive details (featured in the following sequence of pictures).

I was so intriged by my sighting that upon my return home I did some research to see what I could find out about them.

One of the things I learned (from a web-page named Florgeous where an article by someone who identifies herself as Rebekah P) and "shoulda" known is this: "each daylily flower remains open for just one day."

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Grow NYC's compost is in the bag!

Every Sunday, under all types of weather conditions, I take any food scraps I have as well as pieces of foliage from pruned plants and trees (that grow in my roof extension garden) to a Greenmarket that is sponsored by Grow NYC and is located alongside The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and I put them in their compost bin.

From there the folks who work at their Compost Station transport everything to Governor’s Island where it is ultimately turned into soil that’s suitable for house plants and/or a great “product” to use as fertilizer if one has an outdoor garden.

Today individual bags (an example is featured in the image atop this posting) of their “concoction” were given to those who bought any food scraps (as well as pieces of foliage from pruned plants and trees) to their compost bin.

So glad to have been a recipient of a bag of it.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Trying to keep cool!

Lyrics from a golden oldie say, "Hot time summer in the city...." but the official start of summer isn't until 6-21, which is still a couple of weeks away, and at this time I'm (along with many peoplwe) are really quite ill from this heat.

Birds also need to beat the heat as it's been hard for them to cool down too one of te ways they do thid is to "pant" (which is something I discussed in my 5-23-2021 post here on Blogger). 

Another ways birds can cool down is by sitting in a shallow bath of cold water.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

D-Day Occurred 77 Years Ago Today

As I was going through articles related to D-Day which occurred 77 years ago today, I came across one titled."5 PEOPLE AND A PIGEON WHO REPORTED ON THE D-DAY LANDINGS," the picture atop this posting is a screenshot from that article which can be read by clicking here.

UNFORTUNATELY, pigeons get a lot of bad press in the United States so it was good to see them get some positive press in a UK publication.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Broken Stool Becomes A Plant Stand (Wednesday's Wisdom)

Many years ago, sometime in the early 1990's, I got a stool from the shopkeeper Maya Schaper (a woman I ultimately worked for and subsequently wrote an article about her.

The stool held up so well all these years but a few months ago its cracked in half and could not be repaired with wood glue or anything else for that matter.

My the first photo atop this entry shows how the top of the stool had cracked and it was when JuanV unscrewed it from the base, that we discovered writing on the bottom (as seen in the second image) now I'm curious if was once part of a whiskey barrel.

The end result can be seen in the next picture which features my former stool now serving as a stand for my Coral Bells Heuchea plant.

This is not the first time Juan had turned a rundown piece of furniture into a plant stand.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

It's National Aquarium and Zoo Month! (Tuesday's Truth WK 218)

Sharing a copy of a 1970's Peanuts strip (atop this entry) because the month of June, which begins today is known for many things, among them is bringing attention to aquariums.

In 1982, President Ronald Regan declared the month of June to be a time to learn more about them (as well as zoos) and this fact about the month of June, dear reader, is the essence of my 218th Tuesday's Truths segement.