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Monday, December 31, 2018

Monday's Musings: Remembering 2018


Earlier today I published an entry here on Blogger which discusses that it now The Seventh day of Christmas.

Since it is also the last day of 2018, here's an entry looking back over the year that is ending and looking forward to a new one beginning. As you can see from the cartoon (by Charles Schultz), atop this entry, Linus is doing the same thing.

But before I get into my reflections re the year ending and the year to come, I'd like to give a shout out to my dearly departed iBook editor, Peggy Wood, who died on New Years Eve in 2014.

She can be seen in the photo directly below reading a draft of the iBook version, Words In Our Beak Volume One (WIOB V1).

And in the next two pictures she can be seen in a collage from her eighty-ninth birthday as well as in a photo where she is enjoying dinner with her brother, his wife and yours truly.

In these four years following her death, I have converted the i-Book version of my book into a ePub (Kindle) version and subsequently, with the formatting skills of Chris Deatherage (who also designed my web-site), produced a soft cover version of WIOB V1.

But all of the aforementioned versions of WIOB V1 are only available for a limited amount of time, if at all, because WIOB V1 was published in hardcover format (by Ingram Spark) in the fall of 2017 as evidenced (to the left) in the picture below.

Moreover, during this past year of 2018, I was able to publish (also through Ingram Spark) volume two (Late Winter/EarlySpring 2018) and volume three (Mid Fall 2018) of the series.

Purchase info for the three volume series of Words In Our Beak can be found below this entry.


I would not have been able to accomplish this without the superior proof reading of Peggy's brother, Robert, who along with his wife, Lynda, have remained "in my corner."

They even included a visit to the UN (as seen in the photo below) with me when they came to NYC for Robert's Carnegie Hall performance.

But getting back to the progress of my books in 2018, I would not have been able to complete my series  without the top notch formatting skills of Chris Deatherage, for I have had a very rough year medically: Every week from January-September of 2018, I have had to undergo a procedure on my eyes or teeth.

As I've stated, I could not have moved forward re my books without Chris, because not only does he have expertise in formatting, he truly encouraged me to focus on the tasks (writing and photography) that I could do something about; and to not get too wrapped up in the angst caused by my medical situation that I could do little about.

These medical-related "events" have completely depleted whatever little funds I had and I have even started a fundraiser at the suggestion of Amanda Remsberg and support of JG.

But, thankfully in spite of the disruption to my life that these procedures brought, I am so grateful that I was able to book three presentations that were loosely based on my book series.

The first one took place in June at Iona Prepatory School, the second one took place in October at The International Academy in New York; and the third one took place in November at The New York Society for Ethical Culture (NYEC).

In addition to some movement with my book series and my presentations during this year of 2018, CD was able to help me with the rather complicated logistics of uploading my photographic works to Fine Art America (FAA).

And I'm also very thankful that FAA has the ability to reproduce most of my photos on to an array of surfaces. as of this posting, I have three collections of images on FAA. One collection includes images from my book series, another collection includes images of my Kaleidoscopic works, and yet another features my images of the now famous Mandarin duck visiting Central Park.

The screenshots below feature how some of my works look within my FAA collections and links to lead you as to where to view more on FAA.

The Words In Our Beak FAA Collection

The Kaleidoscopic FAA Collection

The Mandarin Duck FAA Collection

Because of the financial arrears brought on by my many medical procedures in 2018, I'm not sorry to see this year pass, and look forward to opportunities to pursue my endeavors in 2019; it looks like I will be able to have a marketing intern work with me after mid January.

Hopefully he/she will be able to help me advance the endeavors (my book series being placed in stores, booking engagements to speak about birds and related issues, and promoting my works on FAA) that I've worked so hard on in this year of 2018 (and prior).

With thanks and good wishes for the coming new year (s) to readers who have been supportive!
As promised this entry, here is the purchase info for the series:

Volume One: ISBN: 9780996378529 (SEE PRESS RELEASE)
Book Seller Info:
Barnes & Noble On-Line:
book culture On Columbus (a bookstore on the UWS in NYC):

Volume Two: ISBN: 9780996378536 (SEE PRESS RELEASE)
Book Seller Info:
Barnes & Noble On-Line:

Volume Three: ISBN: 978099637853 (SEE PRESS RELEASE)
Book Seller Info:
Barnes & Noble On-Line:


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