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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

I need help (Tuesday's Truths WK 205) and pls note on-going updates posted at the end

These are times of struggle for many as I truly know. In terms of me, I have had a series of unfortunate circumstances, including ones related to my oral health.

The latter has resulted in my inability to chew food properly which has interfered with my being able to swallow. I’ve come close to choking on a number of occasions.

I started to have this resolved by having an oral surgeon insert dental implants to support crowns that will give me the ability to chew. That implant procedure cost me $5,000.

I healed from this particular surgery late last fall but I’ve been unable to earn the necessary funds to get crowns placed which will allow me to chew.

To get my crowns put in place will cost $10,000. My very qualified dentist who has time and time again extended the life of the temporary (which she made prior to the oral surgeon’s implant procedure) can no longer keep the temporary functioning, for an obvious reason: a temporary is meant to be temporary in terms of functionality. My dentist is aware of my lack of funds and has kindly reduced the original fee but it is still far from within my means.

The opportunity for me to earn money became even more limited due to my breaking a bone (greater tuberosity) near my shoulder in January of 2020. This injury may have been a result of my having a medical condition known as Neurofibromatosis (NF) in which one of the symptoms is brittle bones as well as dental issues. 

Another symptom of NF is that an afflicted person can have thousands upon thousands of neurofibromas. A neurofibroma is a type of nerve tumor that forms soft bumps on or under the skin. They can develop within a major or minor nerve anywhere in the body. These growths are fibrous, wrap around nerve endings, then push through the skin’s surface, giving an a person afflicted with the condition a lumpy/bumpy appearance.

Because of the general public’s fear of disfigurement, my having gainful employment has always been a challenge. Now the pandemic exasperates the situation in that it limits opportunities to bring in income — which I realize is the situation for many people.

Be that as it may, I really need to complete this dental procedure before anything worsens and so I am able to eat solid food again. Furthermore my dentist will be leaving the practice due to issues related to the pandemic (coronavirus) but has agreed to finish up any unfinished work provided it can take place as soon as possible.

Now that time is of the essence, someone suggested I set up a way to fund my need which I have done. Any financial help people are able to offer me would be greatly appreciated. My truly wonderful friend, NNM, has already done this.

If you feel you can help me, there are a couple of ways one can do so.
1. My dentist’s office can be paid directly if you want to send me a check (see address below) made out to ELITE SMILE DENTAL (the name of the place where my dentist, Dr. Eileen Hoskin is currently practicing).
Patricia Youngquist
Box 230503
Ansonia Station 
NY, NY 10023

2. Or you can donate online to my cause though NY Able as I now have an account with them earmarked for a “Qualified Disability Expense.” 
Qualified expenses include health and wellness.
Monies given to me through NY Able come without fees. NY Able will process your payments and pay my dentist.
The steps to do this are:
A. Go to
B. Enter the Ugift code: M25-B3P
C. Enter your name and gift amount
D. Make the gift via electronic funds transfer or check

Thanks for considering helping me in my plight.

                 15th UPDATE (2-18-2023)

Wow! Has it really been over two years since I was able to post an update this dental issue? As you can see, in my last update, I announced that B the Difference had made a $2,500.00 donation towards my dental bill, this left me with a balance of $2,500.00.

I subsequently made a payment of $100.00 bringing the balance to $2,400.00 but because of may interruptions to my health re multiple injuries and/or procedures  related to my NF-1, I have been only able to afford cleanings but unable to bring the balance down so I still owe $2,400.00.

This past January (2023) I had a longstanding appointment for a cleaning (I've kept up to date with payments for regular cleanings), but in December (2022), I received a notification that I would not be allowed to come in for a cleaning until my outstanding balance was paid in full.

As of now there is no way I can do this. 

Because of my 2022 complications with NF (which were proceded by treatment for a broken greater tuberoscity, as well as for an ORIF surgery) a to excise neurofibromas (including a plexi-form) as well as to have a radial nerve decompression I have only been able to write two articles for iLTUWS (click here and here to read them).

I'm still dealing with some serious consequences re my NF and had to undergo yet another ulta-sound yesterday (2-17-2022).

Therefore I have no idea when I will be able to satify this payment and/or move forward on another much needed dental procedure.

Having said all this within this update, I need to mention that any monies forwarded to me to take care of this matter can no longer be made via a couple of the options I mentioned here.

I had to close my NYAble account as I was unable to afford their admin costs (please see details in my 13th update). 

I've also given up my post box as I could not afford that either. 

As of this update the only way I can receive monies to resolve this is by having payments made directly to the dentist's office or by sending monies to me via Pay Pal.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

14th UPDATE (12-10-2021

Even though I had to close my NY Able account, I have still been active in my attempts to pay off Phase One of this denttal procedure and am thankful to report, I've received a donation towards my dental expense from B the Difference foundation in the amount of $2,500.00

Details re the B the Difference foundation is in my blog post published on 12-10-2021.

This brings what I now owe on Phase One of the dental procedure down to $2,500.00

13th UPDATE (10-23-2021)

I have closed my account with NY Able because I have been paying monthly services charges on it, even thoough I've had no contributions since April.

My dental work has yet to be complete but hopefully with my ongoing additions to my collections on Fine Art America and with the release (by both Apple and Amazon) of my interactive book, BIRD TALES, (their covers can be seen below respectively), I will have earnings coming in and be able to have the dental work completed.

12th UPDATE (4-22-2021)

Very touched and moved by AR's heartfelt donation (seen in the image directly below) towards my dental campagin.

It was in my postal mailbox today and I also think it's great that she enclosed it in a card that I designed which is available from Fine Art America AKA FAA.

AR has been a big suporter of Cam (the cardinal who narrates my three volume book series, Words In Our Beak) and members of my avian community from day one, we are blessed to know her via cyber space and maybe one day we'll meet.

On another subject, I rarely get to see how FAA renders my artwork and I'm glad to see they do a beautiful job.

11th UPDATE (4-7-2021)

I was able to give my dentist a $300.00 payment today....

... along with a check for $1,000.00 from someone who donated to my fundraiser. 

I now am down to owing $5,000.00 and am scheduled to have phase three performed on April 17th 2021, so I still need help (either from donations and/or from paid writing assignments and/or sales from my work that is on Fine Art America or from book sales in order to complete this extensive procedure.

10th UPDATE (3-27-2021)

I’ve just received a "note" (via FB Messenger) from the dear MMM stating:

"Hi Patricia, I sent you a small donation through the new site that Joan posted. Just wanted to check that it went through."

The donation she is referring to is towards my fundraiser to help cover the costs of a much needed dental which has become a vital need.

And in her note, she is referring to an update (re my fundraiser) our mutual friend @ Joan Tedeschi on my behalf — 3-24-2021 (@

I'm really humbled by MMM's coming to my aid by adding to my "pot" for she has been going through very tremendous trials; handling them with grace as well as humor and often posting uplifting photographs and links to meaningful homilies, stories and reflections. MMM does not fiddle around!

9TH UPDATE (3-26-2021)

This past Tuesday (3-22-2021), I received an email stating;

"Hi Patricia,
I am sending a check for $700 but need the name of your dentist again. Please email me with the particulars.

Just as I was about to compose my reply the phone rang and it was JO (the sender of this email and a woman I've known since the early 1980's and with whom I've maintained a friendship with for so many years).

JO is no stranger to heartbreaking struggles but has a generous heart as well as a tremendous gift of faith which she also willingly shares with others.

I'm beyond humbled and thankful for her generosity in my time of need.

As soon as I received her check I took it over to my dentist's office. The picture included below is of the check, as well as the front desk personnel who have assisted me.

It is very helpful when contributors make out a check to them so they can see the concerted effort I am making to resolve this.

I have not mentioned that this procedure did not just come upon me. It has been necessitated by faulty and costly procedures by a dentist I had in the past who really did a number on me that borders on heartbreaking.

However, it was when I had an aggressive tumor (which was caused by my Neurofibromatosis) removed off my eyelid a few years ago, I found myself asking that surgeon if he could recommend a dentist and that is how I ended up where I am now.

Because of my health complications, what I've needed to have done cannot take place at a dental school. I mention this now as I have been criticized for not going that route and the criticism has come from people who don't know the efforts I have already made.

In any event, this procedure that I'm currently undergoing is so overdue, especially given how it has interfered with my ability to chew, resulting in not having a proper diet to maintain my health.

Moreover, while under the dentist's (I'm now seeing) care, our work has been interrupted by procedures being done on my eyes (as I have very severe eyesight issues) and bit has been delayed by my breaking my greater tuberoscity — all of which took place prior to the onset of pandemic lockdowns which are only now being slowly lifted.

In any event, my dentist and I anticipated phase three would take place this Saturday, 3-27-2021, but her lab as had a delay.

Between the lab's delay and the upcoming days of Passover (which highly impact NYC), that appointment has been rescheduled for April and at that time, my dentist will be traveling here from New Jersey to do do it, as by then she will have left ELITE SMILE DENTAL (the name of her practice).

The delay gives me time to continue to "pound te pavement" for paid assignments and to continue with this humbling process of asking for help.

I'm very grateful for the help I've received, but still need more.

The latest statistics are:

I have already paid $8,000 out of the total $15,000 cost. and now with the latest donations from JO and LA I am down to needing $6,300.00 more to complete the process. 

The last year has also been financially challenging as many of my work possibilities disappeared with the Covid-19 shutdowns. Yet, thankfully I have managed to keep afloat and pay some of my rent through freelance writing assignments, selling my books and art products, and unemployment payments. 

Whatever amount you can give will be greatly appreciated. Many people contributing even small amounts will show the dental office the efforts being made and hopefully get me to my goal.

Thank you again or your generosity and compassion.

1. You can donate online though NY Able 
They will process your payment and pay her dentist.
Follow these steps to do this:
A. Go to
B. Enter the Ugift code: M25-B3P
C. Enter your name and gift amount
D. Make the gift via electronic funds transfer or check
2. You can send me a check made out directly to ELITE SMILE DENTAL (Put my name in the memo)
Patricia Youngquist
Box 230503
Ansonia Station 
NY, NY 10023

Having said all this, I'm well aware many people are struggling at this time and by posting my plight I do not intent to dismiss the situations others are finding themselves in.

8th UPDATE (3-24-2021)

I have just returnned from meeting a friend (LA) who is also a  parishoner at my church.

We had arranged to meet as I had a package to give her which was given to me but is something I cannot use at this time due to my current issues with eating (mainly chewing).

Much to my surprise, she presented me with a check....

... to use towards my upcoming dental procedure which should be the last  of a series for this particular issue.

LA is not on social media, but I told her about my fundraising campagin as I thought she might be interested to refer her clients to NY Able as a resource to meet their own personal needs.

I had no idea that LA would be so generous to me, especially since she has recently lost a very expensive hearing aid and has been living with another chronic (and debilitating) medical condition for a long time. It seems that people with struggles and in compromised health positions tend to be very empathetic. 

I'm most grateful for her generousity as I am grateful to others who have pitched in re my fundraiser. I still have a ways to go but every step towards it is meanginful. 

My latest update re this matter was posted by Joan Tedeschi and LA never saw it, as she is (which I said) not on social media. In any event here is what JT stated (re my fundraiser) on her page:

"I am helping my friend Patricia Youngquist raise funds for a very necessary dental procedure. She has already paid $8,000 out of the total $15,000 cost. She needs $7,000 more so she can complete the process. 
"This dental work will allow Patricia to chew food again which she has been unable to do for over a year. This has been quite detrimental to her health.
"The last year has also been financially challenging for Patricia as many of her work possibilities disappeared with the Covid-19 shutdowns. Yet, she has managed to keep afloat and pay some of her rent through freelance writing assignments, selling her books and art products, and unemployment payments. 
"Whatever amount you can give will be greatly appreciated. Many people contributing even small amounts will get Patricia to her goal. 
"Thank you for your generosity and compassion. You may recognize Patricia's name from posts I have shared of hers regarding birds which is one of her specialties and is the subject of books she has written and her blog.1. You can donate online though NY Able They will process your payment and pay her dentist.Follow these steps to do this:
A. Go to
B. Enter the Ugift code: M25-B3P
C. Enter your name and gift amount
D. Make the gift via electronic funds transfer or check
2. You can send Patricia a check made out directly to ELITE SMILE DENTAL (Put her name in the memo)
Patricia Youngquist
Box 230503
Ansonia Station 
NY, NY 10023"

7th UPDATE (3-12-2021):

KC was kind enough to set up a Go Fund Me campagin (without my asking) re my still-in-progress dental procedure, but for some reason I was never able to access it to edit the description or see who may have donated so I could thank them and she ultimately took it down.

To whomever donated via GF Me, I have no idea who you are (except for one person whom I'll p.m. today) so please allow me to say thanks for your willingness to help and I think Kim has probably refunded your money.

Because of the SCRIE rent program in NYC, the only way I can accept help for this expense is via NY ABLE where funds are ear-marked for essentials such as medical (which I explained on FB @ and also in an FB update @ or via the USA mail, or to have funding go directly to my dentist.

Yesterday I received an email (a copy of it is below) from someone whom I've known since 1987 (she's not on FB), stating that she had dropped off a check at my dentist's office.

Apparently years ago, she found herself in similar circumstances when in need of dental work and had to ask for help so she was most empathic —  and generous too.

With her donation as well as with the totals of those I received via NY Able, the USA mail and a bit of income from a recent article being published, the total needed is down to $7,020.00

I'm very grateful for this and hope when I go for part two of the procedure I will be able to have more paid work and/or contributions. Thanks again to all of you. 

6th UPDATE (3-12-2021):

This past September when I took down my indoor succulent garden I posted an offer on Next Door Digest to give away my plants and got several responses from green-thumbed neighboorhood peeps, begining with one from Nigar Shaikh which stated:

"I saw your comment offering to give away some plants. May I stop by this week or over the weekend to pick some up? I would be so appreciative. Please email or text me to coordinate or let me know the best way to reach out. Thanks again!"

Since this was my first response, I gave them all to her and helped with transporting the cacti to her place. They can be seen in the images directly above.

Now, I've just learned that she has donated to my fundraiser to complete my dental procedure and I'm truly grateful.

5th UPDATE 3-8-2021)

I've received another contibution that was enclosed in a note-card (pictures of it can be seen directly above) which arrived in the mail. Most grateful to receive another contribution for my dental procedure from Joan Tedeschi and Ornella Fado. 

Joan, along with KC is the one who suggested I set up a fundraiser.

I really did not want to do this as it is not my first time of falling into bad circumstances and it is also a time when situations are dire for everyone, due to the pandemic.

BUT desparate times call for desparate measures and so I did agree to set up something.

THEN a problem came because I receive SCRIE, a program in NYC that freezes your rent which otherwise goes up every year.

The rent is frozen but the landlord still gets his increase from the program, however, a fundraiser, even though it is  ear-marked for my dentist, would prevent me from receiving this benefit, so I had to set it up through NY ABLE as I explained in a FB post @

I am very grateful for the help I received thus far.

4th UPDATE (3-4-2021)

I'm awaiting part two of the extensive dental procedure and I'm still working on my fundraiser.

I have now received three more contributions. One from FB peep, RP, was waiting for me in my post box (yesterday). It had arrived along with a notecard featuring a male cardinal (a copy of it and copy of her note) are featured in the following image.

Moreover, I've been informed by NY Able (the place forwarding funds to my dentist) that a nearby neighbor (seen the below photo which was taken  a few months ago) has donated to my cause.

NY Able also informed me that FB peep, BH contributed via their venue.

I'm truly grateful for this support, especially as I realize the pandemic is causing problems for everyone. That being said if you are able to help it would be much appreciated. Again the link re info is @

Meanwhile, I'm doing all I can to get paid assignments. I sent an article with images ("Finding Joy in the Pandemic") to a local glossy magazine. They accepted the query, asked for larger sizes of my images, and sent me a release which I signed. 

As of now, I've received no confirmation of when the publication will use my piece.

Additionally I have an assignment to interview someone this coming slowly but surely progress is being made. 

3rd UPDATE (2-26-2021):

Three cards arrived yesterday from those who notified me they were contibuting to my need of help to have a dental procedure and I took the donations over to the dentist's office as her place is in close proximity to the post office.

Images of the cards I received today can be seen in pictures directly below and they are from RJRT, JC and CP. 

The next image is a card from NNM and I received it before I kicked off my campagin.

I've always appreciated the paper card received in the mail and I even wrote a blog post about receiving cards (back in 2011) where I included what E.B. White wrote about greeting cards in the year 1954:

“A greeting–card firm has sent us some statistics about the expression of friendship and good will in America. The figures were staggering. In 1953, some three and a half million cards were mailed carrying greetings of one sort or another. Friendships ranked high on the list, along with Get Well Soons, Happy Birthdays, and Merry Andsoforths. For a firm dealing in the emotions of love and affection, the statistician’s mind runs on very strange matters indeed. Thus we read that the money spent on ‘friendship’ in 1953 would ‘pay for a battle-ship.’ And if stacked one atop another in their envelopes, those three and a half billion messages would ‘make a pile so high that even the Russians couldn’t invent a guided missile that could get over the top of it. It would be 4,375 miles up in the ionosphere.’ There seems to be something wrong here somewhere. Perhaps we should simply stack these friendship cards instead of mailing them, thus warding off unfriendly missiles. Or perhaps we are sending the cards to the wrong people. Why doesn’t some enterprising greeting–card firm get up a mailing list of our ‘enemies’ (there must be billions of them), to whom a friendship card would come as a real surprise? The money spent on the cards would still pay for a battleship, but if the cards worked, the battleship might never have to open fire.”

I'm also a designer of greeeting cards (available via Fine Art America), so I'm obviously a believer in their value.

Thanks again to everyone who has contriubted and special gratitude to KC who found NY Able and to JT who has been actively on board with this endeavor!

Progress has been made and hopefully more will follow and hopefully I will also soon receive paying assignments and be able to stand alone in meeting my daily needs.

2nd UPDATE (2-24-2021):

An image of text that says '"You are holding up and doing remarkably well."'

This post is a follow-up to an annoucement I made yesterday (see first ammedum to this post) prior having phase one of a major dental procedure.

During the procedure where the dentist had to (among other painful things), cut gum and shorten a tooth, she and her assistant stated, "You are holding up and doing remarkably well."

I told them the reason I was able to tolerate what had to be done was because of the support I received from so many people, including my FB peeps and a freader of this blog.

Thank you all again, and do know I realize everyone is having a tough time these days.
The ordeal took three hours and was quite painful.

By the time I got home, I was wiped out but very grateful to have part of it behind me.
I went to bed super early and slept though the night which was a true blessing.

I have to return to her office for more work next month which gives me time to continue to reach out for paid work assignments and also to spread the word re my campaign that is raising funds for this procedue.

1st UPDATE (2-23-2021):

This post is to offer thanks for those including (KC, D AND S M, as well as JMD) who have been fantastic tooth fairies in that they reached out to me following my FB post @, where I annouced (at the urging of a couple of people ) that I set up an account with NY Able, a place which allows someone to receive funds for qualified expenses (including dental), without jeporadizing SSI or SCRIE (the latter is a rent freeze program in NYC).

These individuals have put funds into my NY Able account and their generosity along  with those who have mailed checks (including NNM and MM) or made a cash donation (BI) will allow me to begin an oral procedure today. 

This is because with their combined efforts along with a payment I received for my blog (from PG), I now have $1,350.00 to put towards this $10,000.00 procedure.
Moreover, JC and RJRT have informed me that they have sent checks towards my efforts and I will probably receive them soon.

On another note, I have learned KC who donated to the NY Able Account set up a Go Fund Me to advance this effort, but as of now, due to SCRIE restrictions I won't be able to accept donations left there, until they can be redirected.

The procedure I am now anticipating is a follow-up to one that began in August 2020 ( and was completed in November 2020 ( That particular procedure was done by an oral surgeon and cost me $5,00.00

Both of these recent dental procedures are partly a consequence of faulty dental work in the past, which has given me a whole new meaning when it comes to the adage, "Put your money where your mouth is."

In any event many thanks to those who have contibuted and hopefully more will follow your lead and/or I'll have some finacial success with one or more of my projects.
If you feel you can help me, there are a couple of ways one can do so.

1. My dentist’s office can be paid directly if you want to send me a check (see address below) made out to ELITE SMILE DENTAL (the name of the place where my dentist, Dr. Eileen Hoskin is currently practicing).
Patricia Youngquist
Box 230503
Ansonia Station 
NY, NY 10023

2. Or you can donate online to my cause though NY Able as I now have an account with them earmarked for a “Qualified Disability Expense.” 
Qualified expenses include health and wellness.
Monies given to me through NY Able come without fees. NY Able will process your payments and pay my dentist.
The steps to do this are:
A. Go to
B. Enter the Ugift code: M25-B3P
C. Enter your name and gift amount
D. Make the gift via electronic funds transfer or check

Thanks for considering helping me in my plight.

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