Welcome to my two hundred and thirtieth segement of Tuesdy's Truths. I realize my last post re this series was published on November 16th 2021, a little over two months ago and that particular post was published soon after I had an accident which resulted in my needing to have a surgical procedure known as Open Reduction/Internal Fixation Surgery.
Upon discharge from that surgery I had to wear a pump for a couple of days...
... but I obviuosly did not as I'm still here today on this Twosday of 2-22-2022 in an effort to begin to return to more regularity in my blogging as I had been doing prior to my accident.
I've only published a few of posts on this blog since my accident, one of them occured on December 10th and my last one occurred on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2021.
My recovery from this accident has been difficult but my physical therapist constantly reminds me that I was cut open to have hardware was insered and that given these facts, I am, according to her, making remarkable progress.
The disruption to many of my activities has made me irritable but I am making an effort to be positive and to reflect on my many blessings.
One of those blessings is that an array of birds continue to visit my garden, including American robins, Northern cardinals, Mourning doves, Pigeons and House sparrows.
An American kestrel also stopped by my place.
However, today in honor it being Twos-day, I'm only including photo of pairs of blue jays who have visited me over the years.
Info re my books in within s blog post that can be referenced by clicking here.
That's it for today, dear reader, and I thank you for hanging in there with me as I recover from my accident and I do hope to return to blogging and other activities soon.
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