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Monday, April 20, 2020

#ClapBecauseWeCare Session 24 ETC

A #ClapBecauseWeCare Participant

The 24th Session of #ClapBecauseWeCare took place last night (Sunday, April 19th) and through my long camera lens I discovered that someone in a building northwest of me has put a banner (see photo at the top of this entry) on his balcony in support of the on going #ClapBecauseWeCare movement to pay homage to first responders, front liners and essential workers who are keeping everyone as safe as possible during the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I'm not sure who did this but perhaps it is the guy seen in the next image.

A #ClapBecauseWeCare Participant

Moreover, I'm glad to know it provides encouragement to them and also is bringing hope to many who are feeling so are hurting, alone and feeling a sense of despair. As usual many took part in the clapping/cheering and a few of the participants can be seen in the next set of pictures.

A #ClapBecauseWeCare Participant
(He has taken a video of a session from his window.)
(He has taken a video of a session from his window.)

Additionally, the tireless efforts of first responders, front liners and essential workers has inspired people to reach out to help others whenever possible.

I've mentioned in previous blog posts including a recent one that I am truly grateful at my time of sheltering in place to be a recipient of the generosity of others (including my next youngest sister, a neighbor in the building next-door AD), a couple of caring parishioners (JT and TT), an Adam B acquaintance from the Greenmarket, as well as MFH, a woman in my Facebook Community who lives out of state.

And during the late evening just prior to the 24th session of #ClapBecauseWeCare, KT, a woman who lives in a building that my garden faces contacted me because she had seen (from her window) how I supported my fallen Crabapple tree with my chairs (this tree's accident is something I wrote about in a recent blog entry).

In any event, KT, who loves birds, and loves watching them in my garden from her window, wondered how I'd replenish the feeder (someone from my FB community named MFH had sent me seeds) and wondered "if her son-in-law could fill it for me???"

KT and her daughter have been to my garden over the years but her son-in-law had not, so she thought it would be uplifting fro him too.

KT, her daughter, and her son-in-law are very tall and I am not, So I welcomed the opportunity and prepared for their quick visit with proper face coverage as did they.

We looked like bandits as you can see from the following photos...

..... the latter of which includes years truly (standing in the middle) and mission accomplished and my visiting birds are once again singing their hearts out as they nosh from my bird-seed-feeder.

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