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Thursday, January 2, 2020

In Honor of Therese de Lisieux's Birthday

On this day of January 2nd in 1873, St. Thérèse de Lisieux, was born and in honor of this fact, I've posted the video atop today's entry.

I confess that I've just now remembered this fact as I've always associated the date of October 1st with her, because that is the Feast Day of St. Thérèse de Lisieux.

I moved to my apartment on her Feast Day in 1992 and have a picture of her above my desk and my keychain is a medal upon which her image is imprinted.

This is something I've mentioned a number of times within this blog.

Her writings are a little over my head but I have attempted to understand them and truly admire the reasons she is associated with "the little way" as I am someone who, for better or worse, appreciates the so called "little things" in life.

I suppose it might be providential that I was reminded (thanks to holiday related websites) that today we commemorate her birth, for I continue to go through rough times and am running out of steam to persevere with my book projects ("Words In Our Beak" and "Imperfect Strangers") as well as my presentations (at schools as well as organizations) and my photo art.

I am beginning to feel that all my efforts remain in a black hole with no audience in sight, but continue to hope St. Thérèse de Lisieux will intercede for me before I lose the roof over my head and succumb to my serious dental issue.

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