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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Update Re my Black & White Photos

I am very pleased to announce that Chris Deatherage was able to upload three of my black and white photographs to my collections on Fine Art America (FAA). Copies of them can be seen in the images atop this entry.

The first one, Sophia, has been featured in gallery exhibitions in NYC. Moreover, it has been included in prior entries within this blog and it discussed at length in a radio interview given by Karen Lewis, for The Al Lewis Show on NYC's WBAI. The interview can be heard on my web-site, which was designed by Chris.

The second and third one, Clay Pots, and Cow With Children, have also been discussed in prior posts here on Blogger and were included in NYC gallery exhibitions. Chris (CD) has done an excellent job in designing my web-site and up loading my images up to FAA. His name is familiar to many because he is also the one who edited and formatted my hardcover versions of Words In Our Beak. Bravo, CD! Bravo! And thanks again!


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