Earlier today, here on Blogger, as a way of ringing in 2017's month of November, I posted a poem about the eleventh month of the year. It is written by the poet/humorist, Thomas Hood.
However, I hope Hood's poem is wrong about this year's month of November, as I'm certainly in need of a few yes-es; and so is Cam, my female cardinal. She can seen in the picture directly above, where she is posing in my rooftop garden.
As you may know, Cam, like yours truly is a writer, and I've helped her write and publish the book, Words In Our Beak, Volume One (WIOB V_1). Up until now, the book has only been available in digital as well as softcover format. But yesterday, which was Halloween, a treat was delivered to my home: the hardcover version of WIOB V_1, and is featured in the image directly below.
The book was sent to me for the purpose of my approval to have it marked available for retail distribution. Before WIOB V_1 can go into bookstores, as well as speciality shops, or be made available on-line, I will need to review everything with Chris Deatherage, our book's formatter.
But progress is being made and, with this onset of November occurring today, which also happens to be National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), Cam and I are excited to announce that not only do we have this news re WIOB V_1, we have completed volume two of our book series and have also submitted it to Chris Deatherage for reformatting. Additionally, Cam and I have agreed that while he does this, we will work on volume three, for what could be a better time to do this than NaNoWriMo.
Now, before I go any further, let me remind readers that day one of this month is associated with a holiday regarding writers.
November the first is National Authors Day, and here's what a web-page, has this to say re this observance: "In 1928, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, president of the Bement, Illinois Women’s Club had an idea of setting aside a day to celebrate American authors. McPherson was a teacher and throughout her life, an avid reader. While she was recuperating in the hospital during World War I, she wrote a fan letter to fiction writer, Irving Bacheller, telling him how much she enjoyed reading his story Eben Holden’s Last Day A’ Fishin. Upon receiving her letter, Bacheller sent her an autographed copy of another story, and it was then that McPherson realized that she would never be able to thank him adequately for his gift. McPerson decided to show her appreciation by submitting an idea for a National Author’s Day to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. They passed a resolution declaring November 1 as a day to honor American writers. The United States Department of Commerce recognized this day in 1949."
According to advice from another web-page for National Author's Day, one should "take a moment to appreciate the author(s) that spent countless hours writing your favorite books."
The aforementioned page goes on to state, "What can be better on a brisk day to curl up with your favorite book and spend a time drifting in another world? You don't get a sense of the time, blood, sweat and tears that went into getting the words on the page."
Additionally they offer suggestions for celebrating this day, stating, "Tweet at your favorite author today....Thanks to social media, authors and readers can have much more interaction. Send your favorite author(s) a quick tweet letting them know they made a difference for you! (And don’t forget to hashtag with #NationalAuthorsDay.)"
If you are so inclined to do this re Words In Our Beak Volume One, Cam and I would truly appreciate it! My handle is: https://twitter.com/TheLLGardener.
Also the web-page I've been speaking of suggests one should "Buy a book (preferably Cam's and mine) and give it to a friend. Share the gift of your favorite author with a friend. Make sure to leave a positive review on Amazon (or Goodreads) at the same time!"
Cam and I truly hope that anyone reading this post will consider buying their friend (or friends) any version of Words In Our Beak Volume One. She and I could certainly use some yes-es in this month of November, a month that the poet, Thomas Hood refers to as being a month no-es in his poem, NOvember.
Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White Collection, Kaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.
Cam and I truly hope that anyone reading this post will consider buying their friend (or friends) any version of Words In Our Beak Volume One. She and I could certainly use some yes-es in this month of November, a month that the poet, Thomas Hood refers to as being a month no-es in his poem, NOvember.
The digital versions of Volume One within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can now be found wherever books are sold. Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books.
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Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White Collection, Kaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.
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