The first day of the 2013 summer season will occur on June 21st 2013, which is four weeks from now. But because today is the Friday before Memorial Day, the "unofficial" start to the summer season has begun, and one sign of this is the "activity" taking place in my succulent garden, which I have atop an armoire in my kitchen.
As you can see in the image atop today's entry (an image which features a partial view of my succulent garden), two bathing beauties have already shown up to catch whatever rays there may be on this gloomy day whilst a gardener (pictured in the lower left) looks on in disbelief, for she, like yours truly does not care for rushing the seasons. This does not mean that we we are not weary from winter; rather, it means we both believe that time and life itself are far too fleeting, so why rush it away? It's a sentiment I've expressed here on Blogger before, including at the "rushed" onset of 2012's spring which was discussed at that time in an entry you my refer to by clicking here.
But my figurine (the one who is a gardener) and I are probably in a minority, judging from the actions of the musicians who have also shown up today to ring in the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, including Madame Ladybug (who claims to be no relation to Madam Butterfly) who can be seen in the throes of performing in the image above, as well as in a close-up in the series of images below, where in the second one she is flaunting her summer-wings.
You may recognize the "dude" featured in the first one of the images directly above, for he made a brief appearance to ring in spring this past March, but has been on a hiatus whilst other folks and animals visited for the six week 2013 Easter season.
Moreover, you may even recognize the horn-tooting-worm, for he initially arrived on my premises this past March to be a spokes-worm for what we had hoped would be a successful composting endeavor but had to be cancelled due to the constraints of the composter! I am glad to see that this fun-loving worm was not discouraged by the "failure' of our composting project, for he still has much to offer, as evidenced by his musical abilities! Abilities which the visiting bathing beauties are certainly appreciating, as evidenced by the serene expressions on their faces which can be seen in close-up format on the pictures below.
Although, admittedly, the latter of the two looks somewhat pensive. Perhaps this is because she is thinking about the true meaning of this week-end, for while it is only "unofficially" summer, it is officially the start of a week-end leading to Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, a day as Wiki reminds us, "honor all Americans who have died while in the military service."
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