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Monday, August 5, 2019

Punctuation in Nature! (Monday's Musings)

When I was walking through Central Park this past Thursday evening, I came upon the Polygonia interrogationis (AKA Questionmark Butterfly.

The creature is featured in the photograph atop this entry (as well as in the one directly below). I've seen this insect type on a number of occasions when I've been in the park  as evidenced in a couple of my prior blog posts

In a web-page from Park Ranger Greg Dodge explains, "The Eastern Comma (butterfly) has three black spots where the Question Mark has four (arrows), it lacks the elongated mark." 

The arrows Dodge is referring to can be seen in the next image which is a copy of one that is on the aforementioned page.


Dodge goes on to explain, "The Question Mark has white markings which resemble a question mark (?) on the underside of its hind wings, much like indicated here [the picture below]."

In my not asked for opinion, I think the underside appearance of the question mark butterfly are lovely, and you might too, dear reader, upon looking at my (next) series of photos.

According to Wiki, "the color and textured appearance of the underside of its wings combine to provide camouflage that resembles a dead leaf."

Upon my reading their description ("dead leaf"), I thought of the adage,  "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." For when I see this creature, I see beautiful subtle coloring that I would hardly call dead!

I've only seen this insect type in Central Park. As far as I know, the question mark butterfly has never visited my rooftop garden, but the American Lady has as evidenced below.


By the way, The American Lady is included in volume one of my book series, Words In Our Beak.


And there you have it re punctuation in nature, as for the use of punctuation by humans, I'll leave you two cartoons by Bill Whitehead, a quote from  Oscar Wilde and a mini essay by E.B. White.

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