When it was brought to my attention (by a newcomer to my home who is the Queen of Hearts figurine, seen in the image atop this posting) that today was the eve of card reading day, I thought she was talking about Tarot card readings! For as soon as she announced today's holiday, she went on to exercise her bragging rights in her role of being a representative for the Queen of Hearts!
For according to The Cards of Life, "Charming, magnetic and often quite attractive, the Queen of Hearts has an innate ability to have favorable influence over others. The 'Mother of Higher Love' commands powerful emotions of empathy and compassion with a flair for the dramatic, a potent combination that makes this card, when in a tight spot, prone to excitability or moodiness. As a royal member of the Crown Court Cards, the Queen of Hearts has the ability to reach others through her innate leadership abilities, powerful communication skills and good business sense, and the level of success achieved is predicated on the ability to keep emotional reactions in check.
"With such a strong sensual nature, Queen of Hearts people enjoy the pleasures of life: art, entertainment, food and leisure. Nurturing the family with attention and devotion to the children is a classic Queen of Hearts expression, but with such strong leadership and business energy, people of this card may find a simple home life only part of their personal expression. Their Three of Hearts in Jupiter may be the indicator of some indecision between home life and career.
"When the Queen of Hearts chooses career, all the cards line up to support her with two Tens, a King, a Queen and an Eight–all in key positions. However, her lifetime Pluto Card is a Five of Clubs. In addition to having all this innate power in her career, this Five of Clubs card brings restlessness and impatience, which can undermine this Queen’s accomplishments through an inability to focus or perhaps taking on too much at once.
"People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through feelings/emotions, art/beauty, children/youth, people/relationships, and love/marriage."
This particular Queen of Hearts is not the only "Q of H" card rep visiting my home, she has some competition in her role, as evidenced in the following images...
...which have been featured in Valentines Day posts in by gone years. In terms of the photos of figurines that are directly above, the first one was featured in entires here on Blogger which may be referenced by clicking here, as well as here and here. The figurine featured within the second image directly above was included in a blog post which can be accessed by clicking this link. And the figurine seen in the third and fourth pictures that are directly above was included in blog posts that can be found here as well as here.
But the Queen of Hearts is not the only playing card rep who has come to my home, reps for the King of Hearts have been here too. They can be seen in the following pictures...
...and they were featured in blog posts that can be found by clicking here and here.
Here's what The Cards Of Life has to say re The King of Hearts: "Love is the greatest power in the universe and no one knows this better than the King of Hearts. Embodying emotional strength and the authority inherent in a King, they make excellent leaders, whether they lead a business or a family. You’ll often find a King of Hearts person in a leadership role in their work in whatever field interests them.
"With so much energy and output flowing into their careers, their Six of Hearts in Venus indicates a need to recharge their emotional batteries through a stable and support home life. Usually as a devoted parent, King of Hearts people expend equally as much loving care to their children as they do dedication toward their career. Not overly warm or loving toward anyone outside of their family “kingdom”, this King has clear boundaries about meeting others’ expectations. Their family kingdom often includes workmates with whom they share mutual trust and respect.
"Their King of Diamonds in Mercury and Two of Diamonds in Jupiter amplify and energize the King of Hearts’ opportunities in business and partnerships. A strong work ethic, innate integrity and an instinct for all things valuable, there’s little that stands in the way of the King of Hearts achieving all that their heart desires.
"Their Two of Clubs Challenging Karma Card (-KC) and their Jack of Spades in Saturn indicate that the soul’s development in this King’s life will be to deliver the truth through a loving, compassionate heart. With a laser-like ability to assess a situation, their natural compulsion is to speak through their authority and flatten the opposition. Becoming the “good” king, who leads with compassion and authority, will surely bring King of Hearts people the most satisfaction in life.
"People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through feelings/emotions, art/beauty, children/youth, people/relationships, and love/marriage."
However, in terms of playing card representatives, the royalty-themed ones are not the only ones who have bragging rights re being a spokes-card. The Four of Clubs has a representative who is a newcomer to my home and he can be seen in the following picture.
The Four of Clubs is also referenced in The Cards of Life, and here's what they say about him: "With a thirst for knowledge and a fairly positive disposition, the Four of Clubs♣ thrives in environments where ideas are exchanged and expanded upon. They are often forward thinkers and can be decisive in their professions, often advancing through hard work and focus.
"Amiable and friendly, Four of Clubs♣ people enjoy the company of others, particularly in a work environment. Longing to feel included and accepted, they will contribute what they know for the benefit of the group. They often gravitate toward those who can teach them something new that will improve their opportunities in life.
"Fairly direct, with an ability to communicate well, the Four of Clubs♣ person can be a persuasive conversationalist. With a Two of Diamonds♦ in Mercury, some of their favorite discussions center on those of shared values. The Four of Clubs♣ needs a belief system to stay constructively focused and sharing these values with others of like mind brings out the best in them.
"With a Six of Diamonds in Jupiter, support comes from others through opportunities for lucrative work. Sixes represent a balanced scale and the Six of Diamonds♦ can represent a fair wage for a good day’s work. When the Four of Clubs♣ truly gives their best, they will be justly rewarded in return. Consequently, should they not give it their all, the scales will tip in the opposite direction just as fairly.
"People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through their mental nature, thoughts/thinking, communication/language, information/knowledge and education."
In any event, there is one more playing card rep visiting my home at this time, and that is the Five of Spades. He can be seen holding hands with the Four of Spades in the image directly below.
The Cards of Life also have things to say about him, which is this: "Free spirit best describes the true nature of the Five of Spades. Travel and adventure keep this one feeling alive and often the adventure may be linked to the career opportunities. They dislike routine and restrictions of any kind and often relocate or own two homes just to keep things interesting.
"With a double Venus influence, both in the Master Life Script and Master Spirit Script, they exude passion and creativity in all they do. Through this luscious Venus energy, they easily attract lovers as well, and in keeping with the free-spirit of the Five’s nature, might enjoy many lovers in their life time. Their Nine of Clubs card in Venus may indicate frustrations in relationships furthering the desire for freedom from commitments.
"For financial backing, they have the King of Diamonds in the Uranus position in their life script, bringing with it inherent executive or management skills that can result in profitable business dealings. Later in life there may be unexpected opportunities that bring significant reward, provided the Five energy of freedom at any cost is productively channeled.
"Their King of Hearts in Saturn suggests a certain responsibility to loved ones and a need to address their personal, emotional issues in a mature fashion. The free-spirit expression does have an effect on those around them and taking responsibility for that is a life lesson for Five of Spades people.
'They enjoy a robust social life, are popular and well-liked, and need to balance their enthusiasm for socializing with self-care. Using their natural gifts, freedom and responsibility, they can achieve their goals, enjoy their greatest adventures and live their wildest dreams.
"People of this card and suit are ultimately here to experience life and themselves through work/labor, health, death/dying, wisdom and/or spirituality."
And while my playing-card-themed figurines have been most welcome guests in my home, it seems today's Card Reading Holiday has nothing to do with them! For according to the authority on holidays known as Holiday Insights (HI), "Card Reading Day is a fun day. It's a day to read cards..... no more, no less."
HI admits that "as they did (their) research, (they) thought they'd find some history that suggest it is a day for Tarot card readings. It very well could be. But, they found no written evidence to support their theory. (And said) What we can tell you, is that its very popular to send and receive cards today. In order to read a card, someone has to send one. So, get the ball rolling and send out some cards today. Chances are, you will get a few back."
It's wonderful for me to learn of the purpose for this holiday, dear reader, for as you may know, I've designed an array of greeting cards over the years; and I've written about this endeavor in a number of posts here on Blogger! Additionally, my greeting cards are featured within the a Card Shoppe that's in the storefront pages of my web-site: patriciayoungquist.com.
Moreover, I've recently developed a collection of fauna-flora-insect-themed postcards which are also on my web-site. Thumbnails of my cards can be seen in the following pictures.
If you'd like to see these thumbnails in a larger size, please refer to my post on Blogger by clicking here. FYI, all of these postcards are available for purchase at More and More Antiques, an exquisite shop in NYC's UWS, which is where I got my figurines. All of these postcards are also available to buy in the gift shop at The Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum. However, in addition to these places, my fauna-themed postcards may be procured at The Raptor Trust's (a bird rehab facility) gift shop.
Each image on a given postcard is from Cam's book, Words In Our Beak Volume One.
This book as you can see, is currently available in iBook (Apple) and ePub (Amazon OR Kindle) format, however the soft-cover version is being released soon; so please stay tuned!
Meanwhile, play your cards right, dear reader! Reach out to those near and dear to you on this card reading holiday, by sending them a greeting card!
The non-hardcover version (or versions) of Volume One within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can now be found wherever books are sold. Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books...
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Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books.
Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White Collection, Kaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.
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