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Saturday, January 28, 2017

It's The Year of The Rooster!

Happy Chinese New Year!

It's the Chinese New Year! And this time, it's The Year of The Rooster! In honor of the occasion, I've placed a figurine depicting a rooster in my home (he can be seen in the image atop this blog entry).

I was not born in The Year of The Rooster, rather I was born in The Year of The Horse. And during the Chinese New Year of 2014 (which was The Year of The Horse), I paid homage to the event by writing a post for hometalk and by placing a figurine depicting a horse within my home.

He can be seen in the following images showing him celebrating with the New Year's Baby and the baby's cocktail loving comrades; as well as in an image spending time in my succulent garden (two views) and in a solo photo-op (respectively).

All of these figurines are from More & More Antiques, the exquisite shop on NYC's UWS, which is currently selling my fauna-flora-insect-themed postcards. Thumbnail images of these postcards can be seen in the pictures below.

However, you can view these images in a larger size via a prior post here on Blogger; as well as within a storefront page on my web-site,

For your information, all of these postcards should be available in the gift shop for the Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum; and the fauna-themed ones may still be found at the gift shop for The Raptor Trust (a bird rehab facility in New Jersey).

FYI, the images on all of my postcards are from both the iBook and ePub version of Cam's book, Words In Our Beak, Volume One.

Cam's book and or my fauna-flora-insect-themed postcards make great gifts to give to those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, no matter what animal represents their year! And before I sign off, let me direct you to a list (below) of various animals representing a certain Chinese New Year and alongside the animal are the years they represent.

Rat:  1900  1912  1924  1936  1948  1960  1972  1984  1996  2008  2020

Ox:  1901  1913  1925  1937  1949  1961  1973  1985  1997  2009  2021

Tiger:  1902  1914  1926  1938  1950  1962  1974  1986  1998  2010  2022

Rabbit:  1903  1915  1927  1939  1951  1963  1975  1987  1999  2011  2023

Dragon:  1904  1916  1928  1940  1952  1964  1976  1988  2000  2012  2024

Snake:  1905  1917  1929  1941  1953  1965  1977  1989  2001  2013  2025

Horse:  1906  1918  1930  1942  1954  1966  1978  1990  2002  2014  2026

Sheep/Goat:  1907  1919  1931  1943  1955  1967  1979  1991  2003  2015  2027

Monkey:  1908  1920  1932  1944  1956  1968  1980  1992  2004  2016  2028

Rooster:  1909  1921  1933  1945  1957  1969  1981  1993  2005  2017  2029

Dog:  1910  1922  1934  1946  1958  1970  1982  1994  2006  2018  2030

Boar/Pig:  1911  1923  1935  1947  1959  1971  1983  1995  2007  2019  2031


The non-hardcover version (or versions) of volume one within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but hardcover versions of volume one, two and three can now be found wherever books are sold.


Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White CollectionKaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.

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