For those of you who follow TLLG on Facebook, you may recognize the handsome guy in the image above today's entry, a guy who I have reason to believe is Cam's significant other.
Cam is an adorable female cardinal who began visiting my rooftop garden last year and is the feisty lady in the banner image on TLLG's FB Page.
My "evidence" of their relationship has been through subtle "signs," but a few days ago, the signs were not as subtle, as you can see from the image posted below (which was also featured on TLLG's FB Page as well as in my previous post here on Blogger).
However, a couple of days after their interlude, Cam's beau arrived very early in the morning to meet her by the saucer and she was not around; so he flew off. I'm not sure why he didn't stick around and wait for her arrival for she seems to be a late riser, as he must know by now!
Meanwhile, I've been told that a hawk has been lurking on the rooftop of a building two doors east of me and it seems the hawk is salivating as he/she looks at my garden, and I don't think it's because he/she's admiring my tulips! Perhaps it was the hawk who caused Cam's beau to dart off without waiting for their rendez-vous, and when she finally arrived, she was quite unnerved that he had not waited; perhaps she even thought that he stood her up. Cam's apprehension re not seeing her beau is evident in the expression on her face in the image below (it is an image which was also posted on TLLG's Facebook Page on the day this happened).
I had hoped Cam would not spend her day by the phone awaiting her beau's call (she doesn't have a cell) but she lingered here; looking around as you can see in the image below.
This is the last time that I've seen Cam, and I'm beginning to worry that the hawk or the neighbor's cat got a hold of her and I think her beau shares my concerns! He showed up very early this morning at their usual meeting spot — the saucer atop my table — but soon after, he began to pace on the ledge below my railing, stopping from time to time to look around, as seen in the images below.
At one point he looked directly at me (as you can see below) to see if I knew where she was!
But when he realized I had no information, he began to walk north atop the ledge surrounding my garden,
and as he walked his head darted from side to side, and I believe he was looking for her!
He remained on the east ledge — pacing — and only twice did he fly up to the branches of my Actinida kolomikta and Actimida (Kiwi Vines),
where he could get a good view of the backyard of the people who live in the ground floor of my building and also of the backyard of the woman who lives in the building one door east of me, and who owns a cat.
Her yard was featured in my first garden themed Virtual Story (mini movie) which one of the kiwi vines (Actindia kolomikta) narrated and pointed out that his view of her outdoor space was unpleasant. If you'd like to view this Virtual Story, titled, The Kiwi Speaks! Fifteen Minutes of Fame . . . almost, click here for the link to Vimeo, where it is posted with an array of my garden-themed movies.
And when the male cardinal did not see Cam, he stood on the railing above the northeast ledge, continuing to look for her as seen in the following images.
All of the four images directly above, show the northeast corner of my terrace (roof extension garden) and when he could not locate Cam anywhere near there, he tried to see if she was somewhere on the northwest side of my terrace, using my Avellana corylus's (Contorted Hazelnut) "home" (container) as a "perch" whilst he stared down, looking upon the yards and terraces of those who live west of me (as seen in the image below).
You may recall that my contorted hazelnut was a bit touchy about birds' using his "home" as a place to perch, but it seems that Cam's beau's search was in vain and he departed.
After he departed, I went outside to see if I could determine if Cam was injured; or dead and lying on the ground, which is what I feared, given the intensity which Cam's beau seemed to have as he starred downward.
Thankfully I did not see any evidence of her, but that does not mean she wasn't down there, for as you know, I'm have compromised eye-sight and follow the sounds of birds to take photographs of them!
And I miss Cam's sound — her tick-tick-tick song when she's coming in for a landing — and I don't know if I'll ever see her again! I know that folks who have cats or dogs that have gone missing are sometimes reunited with them, as was the case of a man that had cat named Disaster, who went missing for two years and was ultimately found and "rescued" in New York City's Time Square area just a few days ago, by a Zombie!
According to, "the zombie, Jeremy Zelkowitz,, who sells tickets for the Times Scare haunted house, spotted Disaster early Saturday morning crossing 42nd Street. He snatched up Disaster, a black and white cat who appeared to be well-kept and neat, and brought him to a nearby animal hospital." And while this was a miraculous occurrence for Disaster and his owner, it was made possible by the cat's wearing a micro-chip, and to my knowledge Cam does not wear one! And so, dear reader, I'm asking for your prayers re her safety and I will keep you posted as soon as I have any news about her!
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