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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"another year over AND a new one just begun ." PART TWO-G-3 (Sept. 21st — Sept. 30th 2012)

Under "normal" circumstances, regarding this blog, Tuesday's posts are "reserved" for "directing" readers to my posts on tumblr, in other words, usually, if it's Tuesday, it must be tumblr

However, if you have been reading my entries on Blogger these past few days, you will recall that today has been "reserved" for part two-G-3 of my 2012-2013 year in review (re events that occurred in my garden) as I stated in describing my schedule in part one and in parts two-G1 as well as in part two-G2 of this series of "review" posts.

Today's series concludes the events in my garden for September 21st through September 30th of 2012, and I'll begin where I left off in yesterday's post, which was with the image posted above atop today's blog entry, minus the circles which have been superimposed on this photograph.
As you may recall, I had been told by my landlord to remove everything from my rooftop garden's floor in order for his workers to do what I would come to refer to as a "so-called" renovation, a renovation which was scheduled to take place on September 21st 2012.

In any event, the "back story" re the four circles which have been superimposed over the aforementioned image is as follows: the orange circle is referencing my H.F. Clematis in its "body bag;" while the yellow circle is referencing my Actinida kolomikta and Actimida (AKA Kiwi Vines) as it appeared in its "body bag." (The other vine that "had" to be put in a "body bag," is my Sweet Autumn Clematis — AKA Donna's Legacy — but it is off camera in this image. I discussed the rationale re "bagging" my vines in part two-G2 of this series, and you may refer to it by clicking here.)

Meanwhile, the two purple circles in this image are referencing a couple of mourning doves, which are part of an array of various birds that visit my urban garden. I am drawing attention to them because when I had to remove everything from my garden's floor, I was not only concerned about how the "things" I grow would survive, but I was also quite concerned about the "adjustment" my visiting birds would make during the time period of the renovation! 

And no, I'm not saying that my garden is the only place the birds have to eat, rather part of my fear in not accommodating them during the renovation was deep rooted in my abandonment issues, in other words, whilst I wanted to provide for the birds lest they be anticipating food for which I did not have a place to "serve" them, I also was concerned that if I did not have food they would not return! My visiting birds have brought such joy to my garden that the prospect of having them not return was heartbreaking.

Therefore, in today's post, I'm starting with how my birds fared during the time period in which work was being done to my garden's "floor," and now, without further ado, here's the conclusion of September 2012 review!

On September twenty-first in the evening after my friend Michael and I had removed the last thing from the garden's floor as described in yesterday's post, the two mourning doves in the image atop today's entry appeared. Apparently they had been waiting in the wings (please excuse the pun) for Michael and me to complete our work and to see what was going to be done about the availability of food in my garden!

Moreover, it seemed that the Mourning doves were not the only ones who contemplated this for it wasn't too long before Cam (my lone cardinal) came by to assess the situation as evidenced in the image posted below where she can be seen to the right of my kiwi vine in its "body bag," as it hung from the railing on my terrace.

And since cardinals prefer eating from the ground (as opposed to eating from hanging feeders), it seems Cam decided to asses the situation re any crumbs Michael and I left behind when we finished removing everything from the garden's "floor," as you can see from the image of her posted below.

And it appears that this action of Cam's, led a Mourning dove to check out Cam to see if she found food (as can be seen in the image below).

The arrow in the image is to show you, dear reader, where the kiwi vine's "bag" was in relation to this, whilst the circle, is just a reminder to me (as if I need one) of the type of "evidence" my visiting birds leave behind when they depart from my garden after having their "meal."

In any event, my birds were not the only ones who were wondering where I would be placing the feeder; I, also was concerned about how I would meet their needs during this time! 

And I decided that I could place a feeder (which normally hangs on a bracket) near to where the kiwi in its "body bag" was resting, at a time when workmen would not be present. And I'm happy to say that my visiting birds were pleased with my accommodations as evidenced by the three images posted below.

In the first image (above), a red arrow is indicating a portion of the "body bag" for my kiwi, I've added the arrow to this image, dear reader, to show you the proximity to the aforementioned feeder. Cam can be seen in the image as well as one of my house finches.

The second image (below) shows two house finches having a deep discussion near the feeder, and to the left of them hung my kiwi-in-body-bag.

The third image (below) also illustrates a couple of house finches having a convo near the feeder to the right of my kiwi-in-body-bag.

I also wondered how these birds "felt" about the fact that there was very little foliage or containers to perch upon as most everything was gone — a few "things" were either in Michael's garden, but most everything was crammed into my studio apartment. The latter of the aforementioned can be seen in the three images below.

Japanese Grass Twins with Creeping Raspberry in Bathtub!
However, since the purpose of this series of reviews is to describe the "events" in my garden, I will not digress about the situation in my apartment during the renovation, other than to point out what an upheaval it was to me; as well as the things I grow, and, I'm not exaggerating when I inform you that my visiting birds seemed a bit discombobulated; as they were on the look out for what was happening to "their" space! This is quite evident in the photo-ops posed below.

Female Finch Hanging Out ATOP My String Lights 
Male Finch Does Acrobatics on Garden Bracket
(as he checks out the situation on my garden's floor)
And who could blame the sweet male finch for its antics as the environment in my garden was a chaotic situation to say the least! 

First of all, there were a number of interruptions in the renovation due to the improper materials being used; as well as certain weather conditions which prevented expediting repairs! For instance, even though I was told to have everything off the "floor" of my garden by Friday, September the twenty-first, the workmen arrived without sufficient materials, which meant that they'd have to return on Monday September the twenty-fourth! Delays such as this often come about when repairs are involved but because so many living things were involved (flowers, ornamental grasses, plants, shrubs, trees, and even the birds that visit them) a three day delay meant a lot of lives could be compromised — if not lost!

This truism prompted me to move all the flowers, plants, grasses, shrubs and trees that had been moved into my apartment, back out on to my terrace for the week-end, so that they could enjoy autumn before having to be moved back inside in time for the workmen to begin their rescheduled work on Monday, September the twenty-fourth of 2012. However, I did not put everything back in its "standard locale"  within my garden since the "things" I grow would only be outside for a week-end. Still, they all needed the autumn air, and my visiting birds certainly enjoyed having things back outside as evidenced from the photo-ops below taken over the weekend on September the twenty-second and twenty-third of 2012.

But by Sunday night of the twenty-third, everything had to be moved back inside my apartment as the workmen were slated to do the re-vamp job on Monday, September the twenty-fourth; but not before a few of my visiting birds had an early breakfast on my once again barren terrace (as seen in the images below) where the interlocking tiles that had covered its surface had been removed. 

Thankkfully the things I grow, my visiting birds and I made it through the ordeal and once again, everything I grow was moved out of my apartment and on to my terrace but not yet arranged as evidenced by the images below

Juan V would return to help me with the "task" of putting things back in place and removing the vines from their respective body bags, including the kiwi vine who is still bundled up (to the right of my Chelsea Larch in the image above). But before Juan V returned, I had a first time visitor to my garden, a bluejay who can be seen perched on my trellis-style urban hedge in the image below.

I'd never seen a bluejay and it was a welcome sight after such upheaval in my garden as I discussed in a "story" on tumblr. And another welcome sight was Juan V who returned on September 25th 2012 and helped me put my garden back in order; the results can be seen in the following aerial images which were taken by him.

The double sided arrow which has been superimposed on the first image is pointing to  the container which formerly was a home to my Physocarpus opulifolius AKA Coppertina Tree (left side of arrow) which I gave to Michael for his garden as discussed in yesterday's post, and the plan going forward, as of this date in September was to repot my Chelsea Larch (right side of arrow) which we ultimately did in December of 2012.

As for the second aerial image above, with the two white arrows, one arrow (pointing right) shows the kiwi branches survived its time in a "body bag," whilst the other arrow (pointing down), indicates flowers from my autumn clematis. What a great surprise to see those blooms given that this vine had been uprooted and placed in a "body bag!"

And I had a few more nice surprises in my garden at the end of September — visiting birds returning to their antics —  photo-ops of them are posted below.

These signs of life, new flowers blooming and birds living in the moment, especially warmed my heart, for September 2012 had been a long month in my garden and it certainly felt as if the month hath more than thirty days!

Be that as it may, I concluded yesterday's post by saying, "my main hope at that time is that the disruption would not affect the growth of the 'things' I have here, and that my visiting birds would adjust to the situation," and as of this date in September of 2012, it appears that "hope" was fulfilled.

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