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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Bird watching: It's a legitimate hobby!


Mark Parisi's birds (featured in the carton atop this entry) got this! Birds watching their neighbors (and vice versa) is a legitimate hobby. I love the park and natural areas but I am truly grateful to be able to watch birds from my window as sometimes when I come upon them when outdoors, I feel as if I'm intruding on their territory. However, I'm more OK with observing them when they are at my place. And as you can see from the following sequence of images, they seem to find it (watching) a legitmate hobby also.

All the bird types seen are featured in my three volume book series, Words In Our Beak.

This is a photo of my three volume book series, "Words In Our Beak." Information re the books is another one of my blog  posts @

The books make a perfect gift for someone who may be in quarantine or lockdown due to consequences of the coronavirus because the stories in them can bring the outdoors into the homes of those who cannot go out and about.

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