Two weeks ago, with help of a colleague, I rescued a pigeon (now named Tam) in my garden on the UWS of NYC and took him to The Wildbird Fund (AKA WBF), NYC's wonderful and only bird rehab center. I subsequently posted detailed info about this scenario in an entry here on Blogger at that time.
I ultimately found out (via Twitter) that I could follow up in ten days-two weeks time to see the status of the injured creature.
Yesterday, I did that and I am offering the folowing is a "transcript" of our exchange as my content for this week's Tuesday's Truths segement (posted below in italics):
ME: I'm not having success with DM re the pigeon I brought in on 10-14-2020. Can you PM me? Yesterday, 1:55 PM
WBF: Hi. Can you send me the name on the intake form for the Oct. 14 pigeon? Yesterday, 2:55 PM
ME: Patricia Youngquist Yesterday, 4:00 PM
WBF: Thank you. I found it on Oct. 13. This is a fledgling, very emaciated, we suspect as the result of a bacterial infection. He's in our isolation room, receiving antibiotics, anti-fungal medical and supportive care. We'll have to wait and see how he does. Thank you for helping him! Yesterday, 4:05 PM
ME: Thank you for your reply and oops you are right. I did bring the pigeon in on October 13th. I hope he pulls through. When should I check in again? I really appreciate the work you do (understatement). I am quite behind in rent and am scrambling for income but when I turn things around, I hope to be able to donate $$$ to you. Yesterday, 4:14 PM
WBF: Thank you, Patricia. Don't worry about donating. We all are suffering right now! Check back in another 2 weeks. Hopefully, there will be a more substantial update. Yesterday, 4:16 PM
Me: I will check back. Thanks again for all!
I am so thankful that The WBF is caring for this sweet-looking creature and I hope I will hear good news on this pigeon's status. For your information both The WBF...
... and pigeons are included in my book series, Words In Our Beak.
Please, dear reader, hold good thoughts for this rescued pigeon's demise and stay tuned for his progress.
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