It's been a few years since I've seen a young
cardinal (the
bird type featured in the sequence of photographs atop this entry) visiting
my garden and seeing this creature embracing life by being curious about my place was very humbling.
This avian variety is featured in my three volume book series,
Words In Our Beak, and the stories are all set in my rooftop garden and told from the perspective of Cam, an adult female cardinal.
It's interesting to note, dear reader
this fact:
"All young cardinals - male and female alike - will have a crest (sometimes not fully filled in) and will have the coloration of an adult female: light tan with some reddish shades... instead of the bright orange beak both adults flash, a young cardinal's beak will be dark. Sometimes very dark, almost black, and sometimes lighter and tannish. But it is not orange!"
On another subject, an image of the adult male with the adult female cardinal is printed on one of the
face-masks that I designed and it is
available via Fine Art America.
Photo-ops of people wearing in can be seen in the closing sequence (directly below) of photos included here.
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