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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas is one week from today!

In one week's time, it will be Christmas Day and thanks to my gardening partner in crime (Juan V), unlike Snoopy, I didn't have to unplug anything to get my Christmas tree to be lit!

AND also thanks to David Denny (DD) for taking aerial shots of my garden!

It was very late at night (Saturday 12/14) or very early Sunday morning (12/15) when DD, his entourage and I did "The Drifters" thing and went "up on the roof..."

By the way, if you look closely at these images you will see that I was able to winterize my garden by wrapping every container.
As you may know, dear reader,  my "general" winterizing process is included in volume two of my book series, Words In Our Beak.


This year was more difficult than any of the ten plus years I've been doing it because of all the rain, and I'll share the experience, knowing some of my readers are urban gardeners and others wonder how gardens survive winter in NYC.

The first difficulty came in my procuring mulch.

Each of the places on the UWS where I'd been able to get a bag of it have closed and the only place it is currently available within Manhattan is quite a distance for me, making any delivery cost at least five times more than the cost of mulch.

Therefore, I offered a friend who has a car, a special treat at a restaurant in the hood as an exchange for her transporting it to me.

The folks at the store put it in her car and when she pulled into a parking space in front of the building where I live, I dragged the bag into my vestibule.

Bags of mulch are quite heavy as you might surmise from the photo directly below.

Unfortunately I sprained my breast bone in the process, so I was especially blessed to have someone who lives in my building carry it up the stairs for me and leave it in front of my door.

The next winterizing obstacle was due to the heavy rains which occurred during many of the days in early December, the time I had scheduled help with wrapping my small to medium containers which I wanted to do before Juan V's (JV) appointment with me to wrap the larger containers and put my garden to sleep until spring.

My solution was to line my floor with a few layers of newspaper and place the soaking wet containers atop them, dry everything off, and be ready for Gloria C to help me wrap each of them.

Our mision was accomplished, as evidenced below.

However the rain prevailed for several days thereafter and did not stop until the morning of the day JV was due to arrive, so I just left them inside my place, which turned out to be a blessing as it gave him more room to maneuver and do everything in stages, such as bubble wrapping each one of the larger containers first.

Examples of this can be seen in the following images.

After that he added burlap to each container and put them in place for their winter's nap.

JV and I likened the experience of wrapping containers of flora to the wrapping of Christmas presents.

As for the flora, I imagine they might feel like Christmas-anticipating children, "all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar plums danced through their heads..."

ADDENDUM: I've been working on writing and photo editing projects from the wee hours of the morning until now. I was just about to head out to do much needed errands and hadn't even realized it had begun to snow!

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