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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday's Truths WK 64: Some Halloween decor is not for the birds.

Cam, the cardinal featured in the photograph above, where  she can be seen noshing on one of her favorite treats as she spends time in my urban garden, joins me in welcoming you to the sixty-second week of my Tuesday's Truths series. Today happens to be Halloween and she has urged me to write a post about the decor one might choose outside their home, although at this point you may have decked your halls for this occasion.
In any event, in terms of Halloween decor, a number of folks who live in brownstones in NYC, put up fake spiderwebs or other decorations made of entangling fibers. Some examples of this can be seen in the set of images directly below.

According to an article on the web-page for, "Wild animals can easily get trapped and not be able to break the material to free themselves."

Moreover, the publication goes on to say, "Halloween and other holidays for which people decorate the exteriors of their homes are particularly dangerous times for wildlife. Anything that dangles, loops or flutters is a potential hazard. Candy wrappers and increased human activity at Halloween also put animals at risk." Additionally WildCare shares some ways one can help Halloween not to be a scary one for wildlife. They are as follows:

"Please don’t use fake spiderweb or other decorations made of entangling fibers. Wild animals can easily get trapped and not be able to break the material to free themselves.

Avoid decorations with loops or closed circles. A foraging animal can inadvertently put his head through a loop or circle and choke himself.

Avoid decorations with small, dangling, edible-looking parts.

Don’t leave candy out where wildlife may find it and dispose of all candy wrappers properly.

Carved pumpkins may be attractive to wildlife as food, so properly dispose of them if you don’t want post-holiday trick-or-treaters.

Be alert for nocturnal wildlife while trick-or-treating. Avoid cutting across lawns and through brushy areas to avoid accidental encounters with your wild neighbors.

Drivers on Halloween night know to be on the alert for children, but we encourage you to also be aware of wildlife that may be scared out of hiding by all the unusual nighttime activity.

Strings of lights can become snare traps for adult male deer who get them caught in their antlers. 

Avoid hanging lights or decorations in areas where deer pass."

There are many other ways to decorate for Halloween in a manner that won't be a hazard for wildlife, the next set of pictures feature what some homes and places of business in NYC have done:

And the next set of images feature what Juan V and I have decorated my garden for Halloween, my outside decor is very minimal (as evidenced in the photos below, which feature a few views of my Crabapple Tree who appears to now have mini Jack-O-Lanterns as its blooms)!

Cam and I will keep our eyes on the decor to make sure any avian creature who visits here is not harmed. This concludes any advice for your home or business decor, dear reader, so now, let me say, Cam and I wish you and yours, a Happy & Safe Halloween!

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