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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday's Truths WK 31: February's Last Day (For 2017)

Welcome to Week Thirty of my Tuesday's Truths series. Today, February 28th, is the last day of this month for 2017 (since its not a Leap Year); and this year, the twenty-eighth coincides with the eve of Ash Wednesday, also known as Shrove Tuesday. I've written about both of these events in prior posts here on Blogger in by gone years, and if you'd like to refer to them (respectively) please click here and here.

In any event, according to one Holiday Insights Page, another truism re February the 28th, is that its flower of the day is Helichrysum Bracteatum (AKA strawflowers).

An image of this flower variety is posted atop this entry, and it is a photo that you might recognize as I included it in this past Sunday's blog post, where I mentioned the fact that some of the strawflowers which I've grown in my rooftop garden were featured in one of my garden-themed movies,  A Week in the Lives of my Helichrysum bracteatum (Strawflowers). This movie can be viewed in my Vimeo library, or if you prefer, you may also access it via a prior entry here on Blogger.

Strawflowers come in many colors. A number of photographs of this interesting flower in various colors, along with fun facts regarding it, are included in Cam's book, Words In Our Beak Volume One.

As it happens, the strawflower, was picked by certain people in my high school's graduating class to be "our" class flower. Those school days were very painful times for me, therefore, I'm most grateful to be able to associate this awesome flower with good times in my garden (which is on a rooftop in NYC); and not as flora from The Class of XXXX.


The non-hardcover version (or versions)  of Volume One within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but hardcover versions of Volume One, Two and Three can now be found wherever books are sold. Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books.


Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White Collection, Kaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.

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