Last night I celebrated Epiphany with two friends and one of them brought his chow chow (Ulysses), seen in the photograph above, wearing a crown in honor of the event. You might recognize him because I've written about this dog in prior posts here on Blogger. He is wearing, a type of crown that I have discussed in entries that I've written (in bygone years), that are related to the celebration of Three Kings Day, as well as the celebration of Epiphany.
This crown variety comes with Galette des Rois; a traditional treat which I have served — for a number of years —in honor of this occasion. It had been my habit to get my Galette des Rois at a bistro-bakery just around the corner from me, which is something I wrote about for hometalk a few years ago.
And in that entry I featured the following image of this particular Galette des Rois;
(as well as the crown it came with); surrounded by my figurines depicting The Three Kings.
The figurines are from More & More Antiques; and each one can be seen in closeups in the images directly below.
More & More is an exquisite shop that is located on the UWS of NYC; and they are continuing to sell my fauna-flora-insect-themed postcards. Steve Mohr, the sole proprietor of this shop is enthusiastic about my collection; and at his suggestion, I will soon be offering my cards in boxed-sets in the coming year! I've already created promo cards that feature thumb-nails of each of my postcards! They can be seen in the following pictures.
Please note, all of these postcards can also be viewed within a prior post here on Blogger; as well as within a store-front page on my web-site, Every image within my postcard collection is from the iBook and ePub version of Cam's book, Words In Our Beak, Volume One.
But I have digressed! Getting back to the taste treat known as Galette des Rois, this year, I tried one from a different place, known as Mille-feuille Bakery Café. The location that I went to is slightly northwest of where I live. Their Galette des Rois is just as delicious as the ones I've gotten from the bakery in my hood; however there are some differences. One is that their crown is quite festive! This is evidenced by Ulysses's modeling it in the image atop this posting.
It is also something you may notice from the photo featuring Mille-feuille Bakery Café's Galette des Rois with its crown, when comparing it to the photo of Galette des Rois from my local place (both posted in the images below, respectively).
Another difference is that the traditional prize which comes with a Galette des Rois, is inside the one from Mille-feuille. My local place offers the traditional prize on the side.
But the biggest difference between these two places is that my local place only carries the Galette des Rois through Epiphany, but, Mille-feuille offers it for the whole month of January! This is great news for those who live in NYC or plan to visit it this month!
The non-hardcover version (or versions) of volume one within the Words In Our Beak book series that are mentioned in this entry may only remain available for a limited time, but hardcover versions of volume one, two and three can now be found wherever books are sold.
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Please click here to go to my blog post that provides details as to where you can get these books. Additionally, I have rendered some images from these books into other formats and they are available via Fine Art America (FAA). Some of my other photographs (Black & White Collection, Kaleidoscopic Images and the famous Mandarin duck who visited NYC) can also be found on my FAA pages.
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