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Saturday, January 30, 2016


As I consider that it was only a week ago today on 1-23-16, that the#‎jonasblizzardnyc‬ jonaspaid a visit to my garden, a visit that not deter wild birds from also visiting (as evidenced in the following images taken on that day), I recall a sitcom from bygone years ‪#‎ThatWasTheWeekThatWas‬ OR ‪#‎TWTWTW‬AKA That Was The Week That Was!

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store AND it’s on Amazon.

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store AND it’s on Amazon.

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store AND it’s on Amazon.

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store AND it’s on Amazon.

Info on the aforementioned sitcom can be found on WIKI @
And some my Fb posts re #jonasblizzardnyc can be found via the following links:

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