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Friday, October 26, 2012

In Honor of National Pumpkin Day . . .

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @

In honor of National Pumpkin Day, which is today in the United States, I wanted to post some photo-ops of my visiting birds interacting with various types of pumpkins which I have in my garden.

For, as I stated on TLLG's Facebook Page, and according to an array of web pages, "Pumpkins are the harbinger of the harvest season, appearing every year as the first sign of autumn. Did you know that the United States produces about 1.5 billion pounds of them each year? And that a Wisconsin farmer grew the largest pumpkin ever recorded? He used seaweed, cow manure and fish emulsion to grow his pumpkin, which weighed a total of 1,810 pounds and was said to be the size of a dumpster."

While I wrote about the fact that pumpkins can be humongous in a blogger entry last October, I can't claim to have a pumpkin that is anywhere near the size of the one I described last year; nor do I have one anywhere near the size of a dumpster, which would probably be the size of my entire garden! 

I do have a few "token" pumpkins throughout my garden, such as the one in the image posted above today's blog entry, where one of my mourning doves was perched before going into a tizzy as seen here.

It seems that this feisty bird was hoping for a photo-op, where he/she could use a pumpkin as a "stage" to show-off his/her fall coat in a manner similar to ones fashion models do when they participate in Fashion Week, an event that takes place near where I live and have my garden, and an event that I spoke about in the past, when one of my mourning doves had something to say about one of my visiting house finches wearing an ankle bracelet (as you may recall when you look at the image below)!

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @

I can't say I blame my visiting mourning dove for wanting to strut his/her stuff, for if I had the finesse he/she has I would want a photo-op with a pumpkin too, and his/her day of having an "exclusive" entry devoted to his/her fashion model aspirations will come soon and very soon here on blogger; and, in fact, today I'll provide you with a sneak preview of my visiting birds' fashion show by sharing one photo-op with you of my mourning dove modeling his/her coat, as seen in the image below.

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @

However, the photo-ops which I'm featuring in honor of Pumpkin Day have to do with pumpkins that make their living as Jack-O-Lanterns as their seasonal work relates to Halloween, which is less than one week away; and so without further ado, in honor of our hard working Jack-O-Lanterns, I share with you the following photo-ops taken in my garden.

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Birds Reenact "She'll be comin' around the mountain . . . " 
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
"Waiter, in honor of  Nora Ephron, I'll have what they're having . . . "
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Seems this House Finch Just Got a Buzz Hair Cut
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Mourning Dove Uses Jack-O-Lantern's "Digs"
To  S-t-r-e-c-h His/Her Tired Tootsies 
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
Sharing a Moment
Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
And, last (here on Blogger)... 

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @
... but not least (as I'll be putting more images from this photo-shoot on TLLG's Pinterest Boards and plan to include other photo-ops of this "event" in a post on tumblr, so please stay tuned), we, my visiting birds, Jack-O-Lantern and I hope you enjoyed our photo-ops as much as we did creating them for your entertainment.


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