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Saturday, November 19, 2011

"But I was thinking of a plan to dye one's whiskers green . . .

Patricia Youngquist uses words and images to tell stories about her passions. Based in New York, she currently is authoring a series of nature books on birds of the city. Now in Apple’s iBooks store @

. . . And always use so dark a fan
That they could not be seen . . ,"

The flowers on my Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender), an herb which grows in my urban (New York City) terrace garden, have turned a brilliant indigo, as evidenced in the photograph above today's blog entry. My English Lavender is so pleased by this brilliant color that it seemed he wanted to befriend one of the grasses in my garden, and so he stretched his arms waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out so they nearly touched the delicate flowers that are still growing on my exquisite Hakanechola Macra AKA Japanese Forest Grass All Gold, which is the ornamental grass featured in the right hand corner of the image posted above. As my normally mild mannered Lavandula angustifolia tried to touch the tips of my Hakanechola Macra, I heard him recite, "But I was thinking of a plan to dye one's whiskers green. And always use so dark a fan That they could not be seen."
When I heard the lines, which are from the poem, Haddock's Eyes, a parody of the poem, Resolution and Independence by William Wordsworth, I knew instantly that my seemingly unassuming Lavandula angustifolia had been once again re-reading Lewis Carroll's, Through the Looking Glass

Gardens, as most folks know, are a great place to read, and this activity is not lost on the things which I grow in my place who are all avid readers, and have an appreciation for literature.

Be that as it may, it turns out that my Lavandula angustifolia had an ulterior motive in mind when he stretched his arms and attempted to have his indigo flowers touch the wispy flowers of my Hakanechola Macra. The motive is this: my Lavandula angustifolia intended to dye the delicate, wispy flowers of my Hakanechola Macra (that my Lavandula angustifolia referred to as "whiskers"), and my English Lavender was convinced that because his flowers looked like little paint brushes, he could achieve this artistry!

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