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Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday's Memo: "GOURD-JUS" Gourds! Creating Awesome Thanksgiving Decor

The photograph atop-this entry features a carton of awesome looking gourds that I procured from Pamela Torres of Prospect Hill Orchards a few weeks ago (November 2, 2017). She delivered them to the building where I live (transporting them on a dolly) from the greenmarket at Tucker Square (located on the UWS in NYC), where her farm has a stand on Thursdays and Saturdays.

I have referenced Torres and her stand in prior posts here on Blogger, including an entry in which I wrote about getting various types of berries from her stand, in order to feed the wild birds who visit my rooftop garden.

In any event, when I opened the carton that she had delivered to me, I was overcome by the uniqueness and beauty of each and every gourd! I hardly knew where to start when placing them in a bushel basket that's atop the armoire in my main living area. Each gourd is a work of art, but I managed to quiet my enthusiasm and place them in my basket. The result of my labor can be seen in the next picture.

I highly recommend using gourds as part of Thanksgiving decor and this is not the first time I've suggested doing this! In bygone years when I wrote for hometalk, I pointed out how gourds enhanced the ambiance in my urban garden.

Be that as it may, even though Thanksgiving is just a few days away, there is still time for you to get some gourds and decorate your home and/or garden with them in honor of the occasion. And, if you live in NYC, check the schedule for the greenmarket as various locations will be open today, tomorrow and Wednesday to meet your Thanksgiving holiday needs.

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